Restricted: Use Alien Device Wis

Use Alien Device (Wis)
  You learn common practices for alien tech that make it possible to activate something without completely understanding how it works. If allows you to use the most basic function of an item, even items that are far above your PL.

Beneficial Results

Inspiration, +1 to next check roll 1-5
The device activated in a minor manner gave more clue as to what it does +2 to next check 6-10
Add the Int modifier and minus that of the DC 11-14
Double the research amount reduced this round 15-17
Roll 4d6 reduces DC by that amount 18-19
Deduce how to use the current function being studied. Researched DC is set to 0 20
Check: When you find an alien or higher tech device of an unknown function you can use this skill to try to learn its most basic function. DM sets a secret research DC. Every time the skill user makes that DC with the check the DC goes down by 5. When it gets to 0 he knows the basic function. Each roll can take anywhere from 1 hour to 1 week depending on the DMs decision of the complex of the item.
  If roll a 20 on the check can roll on the Beneficial table to see what happens.
  If fails DM makes a secret second check, and if that fails the player rolls on the catastrophic table. A roll on 1 on the first check means you go straight to the catastrophic table to roll.

Catastrophic Result

1 The device explodes causing damage to everything within a radius
2-5 The device is ended inoperable, and can never be repaired
6-10 As above can be repaired if get the same item and can find how it works.
11-15 Reach Dead end must start completely over with DC back to initial value
16-20 Device is baffling. Add 5 back into Research DC.

Base DC

An item from a known alien dealt with before ( Met personally ) 15
From a Race know about never met or had tech of theirs before 20
Unknown Race 30
Hiver Mind, other trait needed or restricted access to tech 30
Higher PL than yours +2 per Level
Ancient race( creator races, first in Galaxy etc) 50

DC for checks