The humans have made some advances to balance themselves against the metahumans who are faster or stronger or bigger than them. Those metahumans that work with humans can also choose to use this.   Sudden Unexplained Recessive Genetic Expression or SURGE is a method used to bring out dormant genes in a subject. Some of the races are using it on soldiers to give them the edge in the battles but it's a choice the PCs have if they are willing to risk it. There are 3 levels of SURGE I, II, and III     I You say how many random rolls you want on the positive table roll for each mutation then roll the same amount on the Negative table of the same strength table. Max is equal to 1 + your con modifier.   II You choose how many positive powers you gain and what they are(Max is equal to your con modifier.) then roll double the amount of the negative table same strength table(table 1-3 positive is Table I and Table 4+ is Table II).   III You choose how many positive powers you gain (Max is equal to your con modifier) and choose 3 times the amount in negative powers table strength(table 1-3 positive is Table I and Table 4+ is Table II), your MP negative must be 3 times your positive MP total. You also can choose 1 from Table 5.                                                                                                                          
Positive Roll 1d6Table
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 4
6 5
Negative Roll 1d6Table
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 2
5 2
6 2

Below are the Negative Tables

4d6Table 1 NegativeMP
4 Reduced Speed 3
5 Festering Sores 2
6 Rapid Aging 2
7 Horns Cosmetic 0
8 Thin Fur Coat Cosmetic 0
9 Unnatural Eyes Cosmetic 0
10 Unnatural Hair Cosmetic 0
11 Unnatural Skin Cosmetic 0
12 Unnatural Voice Cosmetic 0
13 Blood hunger 1
14 Achilles heel 1
15 Festering sores 1
16 Heat/cold susceptibility 1
17 Light sensitivity 1
18 Pheromone repulsion 1
19 Forked Tongue Cosmetic 2
20 Weak Immune System 1
21 Fins Cosmetic 0
22 Extra Digits Cosmetic 0
23 Allergy(Rare Substance, Mild) 1
24 Horns Cosmetic 0
        Allergy has different levels A character with the Allergy quality is allergic to a substance or condition found in their environment. The value of this quality depends on two factors. The first is whether the substance or condition is Uncommon (1) or Common (2). Next, determine the severity of the symptoms: Mild (1), Moderate (2), Severe (3), or Extreme (4). Add the appropriate point values together to find the final value. For example, the value of an Uncommon Moderate Allergy (Silver) is 3 MP. If a character is attacked with a substance to which they are allergic, they take 1 extra point of damage for each stage of severity of the Allergy (e.g., 1 Mild allergy, 2 for a Moderate allergy, etc.).   Uncommon The substance or condition is rare for the local environment Examples silver, gold, antibiotics, grass.   Common The substance or condition is prevalent in the local environment.   Examples sunlight, seafood, bees, pollen, pollutants, Wi-Fi sensitivity, soy, wheat.   Mild Symptoms are discomfiting and distracting.   Apply a –2 modifier to the character’s roll while under the effects of the Allergy.   Moderate Contact with the allergen produces intense pain. Apply a –4 modifier to all rolls made while a character experiences the symptoms.   Severe Contact with the allergen results in extreme pain and actual physical damage. Apply a –4 dice pool modifier to all tests made while a character experiences symptoms. The character also suffers 1 dmg every 1 minute they are exposed to the allergen.   Extreme A character at this level, when exposed to the allergen, goes into full anaphylactic shock. The character receives a –6 dice pool modifier for anything they do. The character is considered to be in excruciating agony. The character suffers 1 box of Physical Damage (unresisted) for every 30 seconds they are exposed to the allergen. First Aid, Medicine, or magical means can stop the damage taken from the anaphylactic shock.     ACHILLES HEEL 4 point neg The character has a crucial weakness in a specific body location. This location must be an exterior location. Possible locations include one ankle, one ear, the character’s nose, one elbow, the back of one knee, and so on.   Effect: Any time an opponent scores a critical hit against the character, the opponent is assumed to have hit the weakened part of the character’s body. In addition to the damage dealt, the character must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or be stunned for 1 round.   An opponents who is aware of the character’s Achilles Heel may choose to specifically target that spot by taking a -4 penalty to her attack roll. If the attack hits, it is considered an automatic critical. If the die roll indicates a critical threat and the critical is confirmed, then the critical multiplier for the attack is increased by 1 (for example, a x2 multiplier becomes a x3). The character must also still make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or be stunned for 1 round. Multiple hits to the weakened area in the same round do not extend the stun effect.   For an extra point you roll a d20 and mark what is rolled. Any time that number on an attack roll is rolled, that is an auto hit and its like they rolled a Critical.       Combat Junkie The character just can’t keep from starting fights. His first solution is always fight, and so is his second, third, and fourth. If someone suggests more options than that to the character, they’ve probably been punched already. The point is, no matter what the actual plan is, this character will always look for a chance to get a little combat on.   This quality manifests in two different ways. If the character is in a stressful situation, they must make Wisdom check DC assigned by DM Test in order to restrain themselves from just punching their way out of the situation. If they are following a plan and an unexpected event occurs, their first reaction will be to opt for violence unless they succeed in an Wisdom check DC 20 and remember to stop and think about whether there might be a better option. The character is always free to not make a test and just give into their violent instincts—and deal with whatever consequences follow.     Mindslave [DRAWBACK] You have certain mental deficiencies that make it harder to resist mind-influencing effects.   MP Value: 2.   Drawback: You take a �2 penalty on all Will saves.   Special: You cannot take this mutation if you have the Iron Will feat.     MONOCULAR VISION 2   Effect: The character has poor depth perception. All penalties due to range are doubled (including those for Perception checks)   Biotech: No.     Magic weakening -2 to magic/SU saves if has caster level -2 caster level 2 MP 2, 3 if have CL   ABILITY DEGRADATION MP: various If chosen with SURG, can roll twice and choose which one drops.   Depending on the starting stat value MP changes:   18 or higher if loss cause the bonus to drop 4, if not 3   14-17 if loss cause the bonus to drop 3, if not 2   13 or lower 2                                                                                                                                                                                          
3d6Table 2: NegativeMP
3 Combat fear 4
4 Lost arm 3
5 Lethargy 2
6 Malformed Mouth 3
7 Tribal Mind 3
8 Blind Rage 3
9 Mindslave 2
10 Monocular vision 2
11 Magic weakening -2 to magic saves and -2 caster level. 3
12 Hirsute Horror 3
13 Cowardice 2
14 Greedy Metabolism 3
15 Rapid aging 2
16 Ultraviolet Allergy 3
17 Weak immune system 1
18 Pheromone repulsion 1
Table 3
3 Combat Fear 4
5 Amnesia 4
6 Albinism 4
7 Frailty 3
8 Ultraviolet Allergy 3
14 Psionic Weaking( -2 to your Psi Score and Astral Signal viable at double range) 3
16 Reduced speed 2
3d6Table 4MP
5 Astral Hazing 5
6 Thin skin 5
7 Neutrad dependency 5
8 Cybernetic dependency 6
9 Half Life 6
10 Mental Degeneration 6
11 Poisonous blood 6
12 Radiation Leak 6
13 Cephalopod Skull 5
14 Nervous Spasms 6
15 Brittle bones 4
16 -1 hp per level flaw in your body 4
17 Stat reduction -1 4
18 Cold-blooded 4
3d6Table 5MP
Deformity 12
Impaired (attribute) 12
Progeria 12
Stubby Arms 8
Symbiosis 8
Astral Beacon 8
Bad Luck 8
Combat Paralysis 8
Incompetent 8
Insomnia 8
Loss Of Confidence 6
Low Pain Tolerance 6
Unsteady Hands 6
Combat Junkie 6
3 Metahuman traits 2
4 Low Light vision 2
5 Thorns 2
6 Camo Fur 3
7 Beak(std) 3
8 Claws(digging) 3
9 Natural Armour +1 3
10 Marsupial Pouch 3
11 Natural Poison injected Weak 3
12 +1 PSI Score 2
13 Metahuman traits 2
14 Achilles Heel 4
15 TBD 1
16 TBD 1
17 1
Positive table 1 3d6 roll Meta Points 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 3 7 3 8 3 9 3 10 3 11 3 12   Table 2 4d6 all cost 4 4 Elongated Limbs 5 Fangs 6 Frog Tounge 7 all around sight 8 Insulation pelt 9 Bicardiac 10 Biosonar 11 Ultrasound 12 Camouflage (Basic) 13 Climate adaption players choice(Cold or Hot) 14 Defensive Secretions 15 Working Tail(Paddle) 16 Low-Light vision 17 Magnetoception 18 Monkey Paws 19 Webbed Digits 20 Gills 21 photoetabolism 22 Thermal Sensitivity 23 Thorns 24 Setae   Table 3 3d6 3 Bone Spike 5 4 Beak(Raptor) 5 5 Claw(Razor) 5 6 Acid Spit 5 7 Natural Poison, injected Mod Str 5 8 Natural Armour +2 5 9 Working Tail( Thagomizer) 5 10 Nasty Vibe 5 11 Goring Horns 5 12 Proboscis 5 13 Balance Receptors 5 14 Natural Poison, Inhalation, weak 6 15 Celerity 6 16 Claws retractable or full gills or tail(prehensile) players choice 6 17 Detect magic at will 7 18 Detect technology at will 7   Table 4 2d6 2 Natural armour +3 8 3 Natural Poison, Contact 8 4 Orge Stomach 8 5 Natural Poison, Inh mod 8 6 Extra arms 8 7 Camo( Dynamic Coloration) 10 8 Arcane Arrester 1 10 9 Satyr Legs 10 10 Natural Poison, Injected serious 10 11 Natural Poison, Contact mod 10 12 Natural Poison, Contact serious 15   Table 5 ( cannot be choose must roll) 1d20 1 Blindsight 2 Adaptive Body 3 Natural Poison, inhaled serious 13 4 Natural armour +4(shell) 15 5 Stat Boost 6 Dual Brains 7 Plant Traits 8 Solar Discharge 9 Sonic Scream 10 Quantum Action 11 Glamour (Use social skills on PCs) 12 12 Natural Poison, Injected Deadly 15 13 4 Extra Arms 16 14 Natural Poison, Inhalation Deadly 18 15 Arcane Arrester 2 20 16 12 Natural Poison, Contact Deadly 20 17 1d6 HP 20 18 1d8 HP 20 19 Monster 20 Magic Resist (25%)   Negative Tables Table 1 3d6 3 Achilles heel 12 4 Blood hunger 1 5 Festering sores 2 6 Heat/cold susceptibility 1 7 Lethargy 2 8 Light sensitivity 1 9 Mindslave 2 10 Monocular vision1 11 Pheromone repulsion 1 13 Weak immune system 1 14 Cowardice 15 Greedy Metabolism 16 Hirsute Horror 17 Malformed Mouth 18 Tribal Mind 19 Blind Rage 20 Half Life   Table II 1d20 1 Brittle bones 2 Combat fear 3 Cybernetic dependency 4 Lost arm 3 5 Stat reduction -1 6 Stat reduction -1 7 Stat reduction -1 8 Magic weaking -2 to magic saves and -2 caster level. 9 Mental Degeneration 10 Nervous Spasms 11 Neutrad dependency 12 Pheromone Repulsion 13 Poisonous blood 14 Ultraviolet allergy 15 Thin skin 16 Reduced speed 17 Rapid aging 17 -1 hp per level flaw in your body 18 -2 hp per level flaw in your body 19 Psionic Weaking( -2 to your Psi Score and Astral Signal viable at double range) 20 Radiation Leak
3d6 Table 1: Positive
3 Frog Tounge 1
4 Working Tail(Paddle) 1
5 Non-Working Tail 0
6 Low-Light vision 2
7 Great Horns 1
8 Claws 1
9 Leaper 1
10 Smokescreen 1
11 Thick Fur 1
12 Webbed Digits 1
13 Acidic Saliva 1
14 Gills 2
15 Scent 2
16 Second Wind 2
17 Ultra Immune System 2
18 Energy Diffusion 2
RollTable 2:PositiveMP
3 Psi Score +2 2
4 Low Light vision 2
5 Thorns 2
6 Camo Fur 3
7 Beak(std) 3
8 Claws(digging) 3
9 Natural Armour +1 3
10 Marsupial Pouch 3
11 Natural Poison injected Weak 3
12 Demal Deposits 3
13 Working Tail(balance) 3
14 Working Tail (Paddle) 3
15 Grease skin 3
16 Darkvision 3
17 Vomeronsal Gland 3
18 Keen Eared 3
Table 3
3 Bicardiac 3
4 Beak(Raptor) 4
5 Claw(Razor) 4
6 Acid Spit 4
7 Natural Poison, injected Mod Str 4
8 Natural Armour +4 4
9 Detect magic at will 4
10 Detect technology at will 4
11 Biosonar 4
12 360- Degree Eyesight 4
13 Arcane Arrester 1 4
15 Bone Spike 4
16 Extra Arms 4
17 Skeletal Reinforcement 5
18 Enlarged Form 5
Photometabolism Setae Thermal Sensitivity