Tortoises Desktops in Ghuant | World Anvil

Tortoises Desktops

There are 2 types of Tortoises:  


Telimmersion devices consist of goggles and a full-body suit that provides force-feedback, or simsense trode rigs. Telimmersion devices impose the following penalties. Initiative:   Telimmersion icons suffer a -4 initiative penalty.   Defense: Telimmersion icons take a -5 penalty to Defense.   Hit Points: System x 4.   Programs: Reduce the effective ratings of programs on these systems by one point.  


Telepresence devices use monitors and simple devices (joysticks, keyboards, mice, motion-sensitive gloves) for interaction. Telepresence devices are still common, being used in most wage slave cubicles. The standard computer available on the equipment list is a telepresence device.   • Initiative: Telepresence icons take a -8 initiative penalty.   • Defense: Telepresence icons take a -5 penalty to Defense.   • Hit Points: System x 3.   • Programs: Reduce the effective ratings of programs on these systems by two points.     On the Tortoise Table below, standard cyberdeck names are used. The brands are comparable, except for the modified ratings. A notation of TI indicates a telimmersion system, while a TP indicates a telepresence system.                                                                            
TIFireRespSysActiveStorage MemStrDexConHourly PowerMax ChargePrice(x2 for illegal)Rank for License
Radio Shack DC-100 1 1 1 1x10 5x10 1 2 2 1 n/a 500 1
Allegiance Alpha 2 1 2 1x10 5x10 5 7 7 1 n/a 2500 1
Sony CTY-360 4 2 2 5x10 10x10 6 8 8 1 100 3000 2
Fuchi Cyber-4 6 3 3 10x10 50x10 8 10 10 1 150 7500 3
Fuchi Cyber-6 7 4 3 10x10 50x10 10 11 11 1 175 12500 4
Fuchi Cyber-7 8 6 4 20x10 100x10 12 13 13 1 200 20000 5
Fairlight Excalibur 10 8 5 50x10 100x10 14 15 15 1 275 30000 6
TPFireRespSysActiveStorage MemStrDexConHourly PowerMax ChargePrice(x2 for illegal)Rank for License
Radio Shack DC-100 1 1 1 1x10 5x10 1 2 1 1 n/a 250 1
Allegiance Alpha 2 1 2 1x10 5x10 4 5 4 1 50 1250 1
Sony CTY-360 4 2 2 5x10 10x10 5 5 6 1 100 1500 2
Fuchi Cyber-4 6 3 3 10x10 50x10 6 6 6 1 150 4500 3
Fuchi Cyber-6 7 4 3 10x10 50x10 8 8 8 1 175 7500 4
Fuchi Cyber-7 8 6 4 40x10 100x10 10 10 10 1 200 10000 5
Fairlight Excalibur 10 8 5 100x10 100x10 12 12 12 1 275 15000 6

Upgrading decks

You can upgrade the attributes of your computer systems individually. You can never increase the system over x2 the starting value. The set cost is 10% of the value of the deck original in the table above(regardless of what you for it)  

Purchase the upgrade

Old numberNew numberAdditional Cost
1 3 none
3 5 standard 100 cr or 10% of deck original whatever is lower
5 7 standard 500 cr 10% of deck original whatever is lower
7 9 Add 1% of the total value of the deck now
9 10 Add 5% of the total value of the deck now
10 10+ Add 10% of the total value of the deck now