
  Large towering brunts, once you become a troll, it's hard to do anything but just eat sleep and fight. Your brain power is lost and so the few cities that are built, are mazes of confusion that mans no sense with dead-end lands, some streets crossing others with the same names, navigating troll cities is a nightmare and only learning where things are helps after days or weeks being there. There is not much crime, as there are no laws to speak of. Vast hoards of Trolls just live on the plains of the outdoors and when called to serve to fight, gladly do it. What is strange is they are fiercely loyal to their mates and offspring. Once mated its for life and there have been no reported cases of a mated Troll cheating on their mate. We are sure it must happen but the rarity is apparent. Leadership is 8 members that fight to the death every 5 years, there is a grand melee when 8 new councilors are needed, and the last 8 stand win. In recent years they started to limit the numbers allowed to join as the amount of loss trolls was getting out of hand