USER MODES in Ghuant | World Anvil


When you interact with the Matrix, you can do it in one of three modes. In augmented reality, or AR mode, you deal with reality directly, and you use your meat body to interact with the Matrix through AR overlays. In virtual reality, or VR mode, your body goes limp and your only sensory input comes from the Matrix. Basic VR mode is cold-sim, meaning you interact with the Matrix primarily through sight and sound. In hot-sim VR mode, you have the full Matrix experience, involving all of your senses as well as your emotions. You can perform Matrix actions in any of the three modes.  


As we’ve described, AR is normal living in a physical space with an AR heads-up display. You can see the Matrix if you like, either by creating a virtual window or display screen and viewing it like a camera, or by overlaying device and host information on your normal vision. Your persona can go anywhere in the Matrix using this view. You can even enter hosts, although your icon will appear jerky and slow compared to a VR user in the same node. When in AR, you use your normal Initiative from meat. You do not take biofeedback damage, like from the attack of Black IC. If your attention is really focused on your AR display and not your surroundings, your gamemaster may impose a –2 penalty on any Perception tests you make to notice things going on around you in physical space.  


In cold-sim VR, you’re meshed with the Matrix through simsense filters. This means your brain is protected from dangerous signals, but it makes things a bit slower for you because all data is analyzed by your sim module before it reaches you. Your body relaxes and your meat senses are blocked, as though your body were asleep. You see the Matrix as though you were really there, soaring among the icons. In cold-sim VR, you get 2 actions every round, First pass everyone goes following init, and then anyone that has a 2nd pass gets to go again. Whenever you take biofeedback damage, it is nonlethal damage. If nonlethal equal correct HP you get dumped and pass out.  


Hot-sim VR is like cold-sim VR, only the filters are off. You are flooded with simsense signals that can even affect your limbic system, so you can not only see, hear, and touch the Matrix, but you can feel it. Hot-sim uses the same simsense signals as better-than-life chips, which makes it dangerous and even addictive (p. 413), but you can’t get a closer, more intuitive connection with the Matrix. When you are in hot-sim VR mode, you get 3 actions every round and get +2 to init rolls, You receive a +2 bonus to all Matrix actions, and you take biofeedback damage as Physical damage.  


When you are dumped from the Matrix, you suffer dumpshock – a physical attack on your flesh-and-blood body. When you suffer dumpshock, you take 6d6 points of non-lethal damage. A DC 15 Fortitude save reduces this damage to one-half normal.   If you are running in hot sim when you suffer dumpshock, you instead take 3d6 points of lethal damage and 1d6 of Int damage. Regardless of sim mode or the Fortitude save, when you suffer dumpshock, you are dazed for 2d6 rounds. A DC 15 Will save reduces the duration by one-half.