Taurinvia (Taw-rinn-vee-yah)
Based on Bavaria and Thuringia in the real world, this fervently Yeshua-worshipping duchy of Gutonia prides itself on its longevity through hardship. Despite its mighty forests and mountains, the citizens tend to fear magic, though.
One of many duchies of Gutonia, it has a court system for petty crimes but answers to the greater Gutonian court for the big stuff. There's an archduke and archduchess at the head, earls, lords, and ladies under them, and they oversee the industries and commonfolk.
If Norse-Viking or Norman culture had a baby with an Oktoberfest, you might get this culture. It technically has the same origins as Zwarin - Celtic settlers, then Norse Germanic settlers during the great earthquakes from 3300s-3700s ETKM, then sorting themselves out in the aftermath - but they are much more conservative about it. For instance, singing during worship services is reserved only for festival days.
Bordered but not completely taken over by mountains, this area boasts lush forests and fertile farmland that has kept the duchy going long after the fall of Gutonia. The Alps are the most dominant mountain range in question.
Norse-influenced version of the Church of the Sacred Flame. Instead of animal sacrifices, they have symbolic sacrifices of bread and wine. Instead of honoring multiple gods by name, they refer to the "god with many names", who has come before, is here now, and will come again.
Mythology & Lore
Frig or Freya is considered the mother of Baldur. The fact that Baldur had a twin actually compounded this idea; the duel-nature idea strikes again. With a mother figure and a duel-nature deity to connect the living and the dead, Baldur's story then got matched up to the Messiah-figure Yeshua, leading to a sect of Yeshuanism that revolved around this specific idea. Yeshua's brothers and sisters? Now share the names of Norse gods.
Divine Origins
A Taurinvian princess is credited with killing the head of the Stephonian invaders, ending their terrifying invasions of Civilis and starting a rise in both Gutonian culture and worship of Freya or Frig, who was then pegged as the name for Baldur's mother.
Founding Date
3500s ETKM
Court, Royal
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