BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


49 A.E.

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Forever transformed after the events of The Emergence nearly 50 years ago, the world of Gil'Darren is a place where magic is still relatively new and uncommon. But at the same time, the appearance of magic and the Progenitor ruins has also opened up new paths and enabled rapid technological advances.   Illum, the capital city of the Gavendell Union, is working on introducing trains to the entire continent of Alderfell. Need to get to the other side of the world? Lumière Aviation will get you where you need to go. Their small fleet of newly developed, experimental airships will get you to your destination a lot quicker than you would have by boat. Though, like trains, these airships are not quite as common as the more traditional means of transportation.   Ten years ago, the Great War rocked the continent of Alderfell to its core and although it ended almost 5 years ago, this war left many scars and led to the downfall of the Dalimar Republic. Out of its ashes, the Aldmarro Republic was born. A nation deeply ashamed of the war they had started and its consequences.