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Asunemith Village

Asunemith village is where a majority of the Menvetoth and Amantoth descendants of the survivors of Tirosanioth currently live. It is a hidden, secret village, naturally sheltered by forests and hills and wildflower-dotted fields, deep in the highlands. The unassuming but thriving village is surrounded by many wards and prayer runes to keep away harmful watchers and malice and evil, to shield its existence from those who would seek to wipe its people out: the Dymin, the followers of E'erendar, the god of the End of All Things. Powerful magic is used to keep the settlement undetectable to the third eye, preventing their enemies from finding them and unsuspecting outsiders to stumble upon their isolated village by accident, subtly turning all wanderers away to protect their secret.


After the fall of Tirosanioth before the era of the known world, it was believed by others that there were no survivors, the Menvetoth and Amantoth all killed, down to the very last elderly and child. Though the two sister clans did suffer the loss of most of their people, there were survivors, who gathered together in the face of threatened extinction and refused to be erased from existence. Rallied by a young teen girl who would later come to be known as the great chieftain Artula the Valorous, the survivors weathered the Great Maelstrom, fighting for their lives and future with everything they had to give and more. They came out of it decimated, weary and battered, but their spirits intact.

Even though the Maelstrom had subsided, though, the danger had far from ceased. Followers of the god responsible for the destruction of their home, the Cult of End, had appeared in their god's wake and conquered the place upon which E'erendar had descended: the heart of Tirosanioth, where only the ashes and charred remains of their beloved city and the Living Castle once stood. Upon the very site of the initial massacre they built a monument to their god, and sought to ensure his vision of conquering and devouring the entire world. Weakened and defeated, the Menvetoth and Amantoth now had to endure the Cult of End trying to hunt down and exterminate any remaining survivors, followers of Veniathan declared to be the sworn enemy of the cult. Artula the Valorous fought back against the void-worshippers, but the cult's numbers were too great and it was all Artula could do to keep her remaining clansfolk safe and alive.

E'erendar had come to destroy life, just as the prophecy foretold, but the daughter of light did not arrive in their hour of need to stop him, like the prophecy also said. Still, Artula had hope, though her family had been lost, she was determined, and her faith was strong. She believed the third vessel of Veniathan would still come one day. On the day of the Maelstrom, she had been brought by a messenger her father's archdruid pendant, which had been imbued with the memories of all he witnessed that day, of his final moments. She saw it all as if with her own eyes; the violent death of her brother, Queen Anamaris' final act of sacrifice to save his soul, her father's battle to bring his body to where it would be safe, and the message all therein.

"'At the end of the world, the lord of evil will come seeking vengeance', the prophecy said. 'To devour all souls and destroy all life forever. From the Maelstrom will rise the daughter of light, who will awaken as the third vessel of Veniathan and stop the Infinite One-- thus will the fate of all creatures be restored.' Well, the Maelstrom has come, and souls and life has been lost, but we remain, alive, standing strong still. This is not the end. I know as surely as I do my own name that the one we have been waiting for will still arrive when she is needed most. I have seen it, felt it. The daughter of light, the Burning Star, will come, and we will be here, waiting for her, to welcome her back to life, back into our arms and hearts. This is my duty, to ensure she will not be forgotten. No one we lost will be forgotten. No one will be left behind."

-Artula the Valorous, after being declared the first chieftain of Surviving Tirosanioth


Asunemith village is not the same place as that first refuge Artula and the other survivors built on the new daybreak after the Maelstrom, nearly four hundred years ago now, but it still carries the legacy of that place and those people, their ancestors. A few times in the surviving Menvetoth and Amantoth's history have they had to move settlements, hunted still to this day by the followers of End, and there are also a few other, much smaller settlements even deeper in the highlands, mostly to the east. Led by chieftains now instead of kings or queens, still following the old tradition of a Menvetoth ruler having an Amantoth successor and vice versa, the descendants of lost Tirosanioth continue to uphold Artula the Valorous' mission. The exact location of the daughter of light's resting place has been long lost to time, but for years now the scouts of Asunemith village have been searching for her, taking great risk of being discovered and killed in order to find her, knowing that her return will be soon. They remember those who have been lost, and build their future for those who are yet to come. For the one who is yet to come home.



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