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Reaper Dogs

Reaper dogs are a species of carrion-eater found throughout the central plains of Gilden, originating from the shrouded Valley of Ashes. Outside of the valley they are an invasive species, and are commonly spotted wandering near bloodied battlefields and locations where massacres have taken place. Their precise origin and ancestry is unknown, and though they are colloquially referred to as 'reaper dogs' they are actually much more closely related to deer, having cloven hooves, antlers and similar skeletal structure, though their behaviour is of the sort more commonly seen in canid species, and what most obviously sets them apart from other types of deer is of course the fact that they are carnivores.

They travel in herds and feed on large carrion such as animals that have been killed by other predators, but are most drawn to human flesh, which is why they gravitate towards battlefields and ransacked villages. Occasionally if burial sites like graveyards are disturbed, whether by sapient tampering or natural events like floods and landslides, they may appear to consume the exposed remains. Reaper dogs use their keen sense of smell to locate sources of food, and will travel great distances in order to feed, said to be able to detect rotting flesh from several kilometres away.

Though their primary instinct is to scavenge rather than hunt and kill for food, reaper dogs are still very dangerous and can have a severe negative impact on the ecosystem. They are very aggressive, and very large, strong animals, with sharp, almost claw-like hoof-points that are rumoured to be able to puncture leather armour, their jaw strength is enough to crumple steel, and their teeth are extremely deadly. Even if you survive an attack from one, a bite from a reaper dog is extremely likely to get infected, as they are also known to carry diseases in their mouths from their carrion-based diet.

They are notorious bone-crushers and can easily overwhelm a small travelling party, even seasoned adventurers or soldiers.

They may sometimes be hunted and killed by even larger animals and beasts, like grizzlyclaws and knuckle-walkers, but they don't have any natural predators outside the Valley of Ashes and have a high reproduction rate. If left alone, herds of reaper dogs can grow to over a hundred in number, and if not enough food can be scavenged, then they will start killing to eat. This includes live humans and other animals, and they've even been known to even cannibalize each other in extreme cases. They are extremely aggressive towards 'lookalikes', particularly deer, and will attack and kill them in large numbers if their paths cross. In some areas, they have practically decimated and essentially replaced local deer populations. This is bad news for the people who live there, because the meat of reaper dogs is not safe to eat and can make someone very sick if they do. This applies to humans and other sapient species, as well as other animals. Animals that would normally predate deer may mistake a reaper dog for one, and end up getting sick and possibly dying if they eat it-- should they feed the flesh of a felled reaper dog to its young, they would most certainly die.

In most areas of central Gilden there are standing bounties for slain reaper dogs, their skulls, antlers and pelts fetching high prices. They are also known as omens of bad luck, and villages that have herds of reaper dogs circling them are said to be cursed.

Scientific Name
15 years
Average Height
115 - 120 cm at shoulder
Average Weight
150 - 200 kg
Average Length
180 - 200 cm


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Jul 24, 2024 05:45

I like the art :3

Jul 25, 2024 00:53 by Car

thank you! I drew it as a cross between a deer and hyena hehe