BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Daughter of Light

The future is constantly changing and always in motion; fickle, elusive. Even for the greatest gweleth, predicting the future is not so simple. At any point in the ever-flowing present a diverging path may lead to many different possibilities, things happening in another part of the world completely without your knowledge may influence your own future immensely. There is never any one definite future. A seer may look into the future and see a potential outcome of a situation that, minutes later, may no longer be possible for reasons as simple as a far away butterfly flying in one direction when it would have had to have flown in the other. Even if one successfully predicts what will truly come to pass, they way in which it really happens may still differ from what they saw in their vision.

Many centuries ago, the Menvetoth and the Amantoth shared a prophecy. It was a future seen in meditative visions by many of the greatest Seers of both sister tribes of the ancient age, which came in many forms, but the core of the future was determined to be as follows:

At the end of the world, the King of Eternal Absence and lord of evil will come seeking vengeance. He will devour all souls and destroy all life, forever. The sky will fall, the earth will become ash, and the sea will turn red. From the Maelstrom will rise the daughter of the Queen of Light, and in the moment of truth she will awaken as the third vessel of Veniathan, and with the power of the goddess and her own great power, she will stop the Infinite One. Thus will the fate of all creatures be restored.

In the later age of the era of the Lost World, though it was not called that at the time, lived Queen Anamaris, who was called the Queen of Light. An Amantoth queen, she was an incredibly powerful TimeKeeper and cleric of Veniathan, and had an exceptionally strong bond with the goddess. The exact time when E'erendar, the lord of evil, would return was impossible to know, but everyone knew it would be soon, within their lifetimes. All were sure that Queen Anamaris would give birth to a daughter, the third vessel of Veniathan, and that she would save them all. It was believed with such certainty by all of Tirosanioth like no other vision of the future ever had been. It was dangerous to think of events not yet come to pass as absolutely true, for fixation on one path all too often led folks stumbling blind down another.

Queen Anamaris tried to have a child, she tried until it became dangerous to her own health, and she tried until the risk became too great for her to be able to try anymore. Over the years she developed a close bond with the young son of her personal guard and best friend, Siromsjos, sensing from his birth his profound natural ability for their goddess' magic. She trained him as she would have her heir. She never did have a daughter, though, and when the god of the End of All Things came to devour the world, no vessel of Veniathan rose from the ashes to oppose him... not until Siromsjos awakened from his restorative slumber centuries later.

Still, all of Tirosanioth believed with all they had in that prophecy until the very final moment that the Maelstrom descended upon them.


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Aug 22, 2024 13:50

I like the tragedy here, and the idea of prophecies not being infallible is a side of them that's interesting, but not as often seen. Nice job.