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The Harbinger

The Harbinger is the highest position of authority and leader of the Church of End, the followers of E'erendar. The goal of every Harbinger since the founding of the church is to be the Promised One, the one that is described in their holy texts, the Book of Finitus, as being the destined perfect vessel of E'erendar, through which he will channel the entirety of his divine power and conquer and consume the world and all life and souls. As E'erendar's vessel, the Harbinger will attain immortality, and become an infinite being.

The Harbinger not only is the highest authority in the Church of End, but also has access to immense wealth, military and politcal power. In a reigning monarch's absence in court or on the battlefeild, the Harbinger can make decrees and issue commands over the courts and armies in the monarch's place. The church may not have armies of its own, but when the soldiers and commanders of the grand army of Dymin are all devoted followers and even fanatics of the church of End, then the difference hardly matters. They may serve the crown, but with the church is where their true loyalty lies.

It is the king who appoints the new Harbinger. The Harbinger holds the title for life, working until the very day he dies to prepare for E'erendar's arrival and ensuring the god of the End of All Things' victory, in hopes that he will be the one who is chosen by their god. Though the Harbinger must answer to the king of Dymin, it is often said that it is truly the Harbinger who controls the throne, not the other way around. There is often collusion between the two positions of authority, as quite famously the last Harbinger was actually the brother of the king, appointed by the king before him, their father. The current Harbinger was the princess heir and now Queen of Dymin, Harbinger Queen Maria, who usurped her uncle the previous Harbinger when his attempted royal coup failed.

Nearly two hundred and fifty years after the founding of the kingdom and the formal establishment of the church, after the rise and fall of many Harbingers, Harbinger Queen Maria proved to be the Promised One they were all waiting for, the mortal vessel through which E'erendar will inflict his infinite void upon the mortal realm.

Religious, Clerical


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Aug 21, 2024 01:23 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

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