The Order of The Eternal Flame
The Order of the Eternal Flame is a world spanning religion, that worships the Eternal Flame. This Eternal Flame is thought to be a being that protects and nurtures its believers and the embodiment of past intelligent life. It is believed by its followers that the souls of those who pass stoke the fires of the flame and live on to guide and care for future generations. This flame can bestow immense power to those who believe in it.
The Order is thought as a heretical cult within Gilga, however some underground worshiping groups/ temples exist outside of the confines of the towns and cities of Gilga and has a sizable, if secret domestic following. The Eternal Flame is tended to by Vestal Virgins who devote their lives to tending the flame. Some even blind or obscure their eyesight in devotion to their god.
However this Order has some extremist branches that range in intensity of its beliefs and practices, from flagellation to ritualistic self - combustion. Those that can manage to survive such extreme practices can be expected to manifest strange and fittingly horrific abilities their conservative counterparts are incapable of.