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Campaigns of the Winter's Heart

In 282 RB / 39 AD, the Valyean Empire stretched from east to west of Olivia. The Norlands and Yule's Heart were the only regions not part of the empire. The royal court felt compelled for completeness to rule the entire continent, and seeing the Emperor Dafyd work in Lamércia suggested that a campaign into the north would only end in success.   Indeed it did end in success - the Vintaflans were taken in the north from the Vintafolk, Saulstein was admitted into the empire, and Valyea could confidently say they possessed the entire continent under their imperial banner. The victory was slow coming; multiple campaigns had to occur due to the cold temperatures and moving of men to reach these hard-to-get-to places. All in all the campaigns lasted for fourteen years and took most of Emperor Dafyd's strength, being his last military involvement before he passed in 306 RB / 63 AD.  


  With the recent Lamérco-Valya War, in which Lamércia was claimed, many people saw Emperor Dafyd as a military genius. Whilst some note was made with his battle tactics, it can't be ignored that Valyea had control of F'yore, a vital source of trade for Western Lamércia; forces in Kettel south of major settlements for Eastern Lamércia; and the Eastern elves were sympathetic to the cause of the Valyeans, or at least inclined to try and manipulate them.   The royal court thereby were very confident that Dafyd could win any conflict and the notion of complete control over Olivia gave a sense of completion to the Empire. The only regions that were not counted were Saulstein and its nearby islands in the Norlands, the Vintaflans, and settled regions of Yule's Heart.   The Dwarven Forges were relatively autonomous, but under heavy taxation by the Empire to utilise their talents. Saulstein held a great amount of pride over the fact they were the last truly independent forge, but they knew the clock would be ticking; if the Empire sent a fleet, it could easily cut off Saulstein from its neighbours and stage an assault on the island. They remained proud but ensure that negotiations were peaceful with the Empire.   Meanwhile there was little land of value in Yule's Heart. Attempting to march an army through Noedalle required a large amount of preparation and a hefty collection of resources. The most valuable land laid near the White Foundry, where tree managed to grow and land could be worked. This land was known as the Vintaflans and inhabited by the Vintafolk and their tribes. There had been no diplomatic relations with the Vintafolk; it was assumed they were incapable.  


  In early 282 RB, Dafyd travelled, accompanied by the Imperial Army, up through Southern F'yore, meeting hosts of F'yorish knights and soldiers that eventually collected at Noedalle. For the spring, the forces waited for the host to increase, as scouting parties were sent into the Vintaflans. Initial contact was made with the tribes of Vintafolk, with declarations made that they were to submit to the rule of the Valyean Empire and surrender their homes, less they face the force of the Imperial Army. If a tribal chief submitted, they were required to pay a tribute so as to recognise the authority.   After three months, it was clear none of the tribes submitted; several scouting parties were found strapped to trees, undressed, and left to freeze and/or be eaten by wolves. Some returned with reduced numbers as the Vintafolk didn't let them come close to their settlements. This led to bolstered support from the Imperial host; seeing their brethren murdered warranted revenge, and officials reasoned that the barbarians needed to be taught civilised manners. By the summer, the host was ready to march.  

Battle of Iludigav Bridge

  The host reached the abandoned settlement of Iludigav, a settlement that had existed about a hundred years prior, building homes and a bridge, but had been abandoned during a harsh couple of years when resources were hard to come by. The bridge was the only major crossing of the river Dugo and hence was the Imperial Army's only option in moving the host quickly into the Vintaflans.   When the host had only moved a third of its men over the river, upstream and downstream woods erupted with hundreds of Vintafolk, ambushing the host at the bottleneck. The host on the northern bank found themselves surrounded with nowhere to run. The sudden rush caused panic amongst the men, as it was the first encounter with the brutish Vintafolk.   The Vintafolk had adorned their skin in black and red paint, wore very little, and brandished large and lumbering weaponry.
It was as if we'd awoken giants. Some men were so gripped by fear, they dived into the river. Some dropped to their knees and attempted to surrender
— Solider after the Battle of Iludigav Bridge
  The panic was sufficient enough to cause the bridge to be overwhelmed with men, enough so the leading commanders could not appraoc the front line to organise the men. The Vintafolk managed to cut off the men on the north side of the river from the south side and shored up the side of river, as their own cut down the soldiers in a massacre.   The Imperial host retreated back to the settlements and the commanders ordered to shore up defences. When the last man on the north was struck down, the VIntafolk made no move to cross the bridge and instead yelled and shouted, banging their chests. The leader of this maneuvre stood at the end of the bridge; a Vinta woman, who wore no armour but leather about her groin, with black and red paint over her chest depicting a burning fire. She held a long spear and brandished it toward the Imperial host, not as an order, but as a point of intimidation.   She then called out to the Vintafolk in their tongue and the entire army that had massacred the host retreated back into the woods, hollering as they did so.   The Imperial host were able to catch their breath and rest the panic amongst the men. It had been a warning tactic; the Vintafolk made a show of strength and courage that was meant to make them rethink their intentions. Their true numbers were to be hidden. The Imperial commander recognised that it would take some time before the men would be brave enough to attempt the bridge again and so they made efforts to defend the settlement and ensure that it was at least defensible.
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Start Date
Ending Date


The Valyean Empire
Peoples of Yule's Heart





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