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Carrec is seen as the first of the six spirits; the smith, the craft, the rock and stone and dirt, the creator of mountains, the carver of valleys, the master sculptor, the artisan, the face of duty, of purpose, of value, the architect. The sons of Carrec are the master of shelters, the master of forges, the master of mountains, the master of caves, the master of toolcraft, the master of coin, the master of law, and other minor masters that inspire crafters and carved the world.

Divine Domains

Carrec is associated to workmanship and craftmanship. Thereby often prayers are made to Carrec to ensure that a follower's craft is completely successfully or blessed in some manner. Many of the Dwarven Forges give pieces of their best work as gifts to Carrec to ensure their work continues safely and dutifully.   Carrec is also seen as the deity associated with the mountains, hills, and valleys, and hence some pray to Carrec for safe passage through these terrains.   Those who die due to their work are said to be cared for by Carrec, either by accident at a forge, through keeping the peace, or any other work that is necessary yet dangerous.

Holy Books & Codes

The Stones of Carrec are a set of tablets found in the Skyforge in Lamércia and are considered the oldest texts of Carrec's beliefs. Many pilgrims visit these tablets. They are no longer under intense analysis as they have been widely translated and promoted through the realm. The tablets read the beliefs on how Carrec created the world. Some scholars believe this predates to a time when Carrec was not part of the pantheon but a deity of his own merit, and was assimilated into the six spirits over time.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The major symbol used to represent Carrec is the Hammer, but can also be the Anvil, or both in some cases. Some sigils use the imagery of mountains to represent his influence.

Tenets of Faith

The main beliefs of strong followers of Carrec, especially those who follow derivatives of Carrec, are that a person's purpose in life is their occupation. Dedication to this occupation is utmost important. Being a cohesive member of the community comes hand-in-hand with this belief, and so those who follow Carrec hold a community spirit in high regard.


In the Dwarven Forges, Dydd Carrec is the day dedicated to Carrec and is a celebration of the year's work and hardship, often celebrated after the harvest. In times before it would sit just before Winter, but this has slowly moved up to around the end of the harvest period as the scope of work has increased and less people are required for farming. The day is celebrated by presenting gifts to the forges' idols, which currently have amassed large amounts of pieces of treasure in their vaults.   In Lamércia and Fyore, they celebrate the Week of St Dillan, a famous follower of Carrec who died working the forge of Forge D'Or during the siege of 822 BDB. The time is often used to work hard and celebrate at the end of the week, to reflect the time of which the siege took, and mark the day the siege ended (however this has been adapted to the Olivian week and no longer reflects the actual duration of the Siege of Forge D'Or).
Divine Classification


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