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Cdonnic Copper

The glean of emerald in the bronze-like metal shimmers like the scales of a serpent, wreathed within the copper, encapsulating the venom inside. It is difficult to withhold the desire to touch.
— Forgemaster Uno of the Cdonnic Mint
  Cdonnic Copper is well-known in the region of Olivia, considered an antithesis to Fostrend. Touching Cdonnic Copper will result in Cdonnic Rot. Historically the material has been avoided but some have made the attempt, and even succeeded, in working the metal for weaponry, armour, and even most dangerously jewellery.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Cdonnic Copper causes Cdonnic Rot in living material upon touch. As a refined metal, it is also somewhat flexible and prone to bending.


The deadly Cdonnic Bronze is an alloy of Cdonnic Copper with aluminium or tin. It strengthens the metal for use in weaponry. It's said that King Marco of the Mell used Cdonnic Bronze in the battle for Hullsfar. However, he did not forge the sword - it's unknown where it was forged.

Geology & Geography

The largest vein of Cdonnic Copper is found in the vein beneath the Cdonnic Mint in the Elpan Mountains, north of the Widuw Peaks. Another vein is also found on the island of Llein in the mountain there. There is suspected veins under most of the mountain ranges in Olivia.

Origin & Source

The Olivians believe the material is a curse given by Hom, with tales saying that Hom wrapped a snake within copper trapping its venom as punishment for attempting to trick Isrham, a tale in Hommism.   Titanism says that it is a creation of Alea as a way of keeping peace in the balance of luck.
Sharp tang
Bronze with soft green streaks
Melting / Freezing Point
1200 K


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Aug 8, 2023 16:54 by Nimin N

I read the accompanying article about the cdonnic rot too, and woah, sounds like a scary material. Trying to create weaponry out of it due to its qualities seems logical, but interesting that there were attempts to make armor and jewelry too.   I love how the quote in the beginning ties together with the hommism tale mentioned at the end.

Aug 26, 2023 05:31 by Bryan Bolstad

I'm here for the Summer Camp Reading Challenge. Here is some feedback: I love the graphic design and quote from Forgemaster Uno of the Cdonnic Mint. It draws my eyes in and gets me excited to read more. I enjoyed reading all the little details that you've added and can't wait to click on them to learn more about everything like you did with the Cdinnic Rot. When I was reading, I didn't quite understand what "antithesis" meant and guessed it meant not the same as fostrend which I interpreted as not copper. Consider adding a tooltip description (or something similar) describing the term to help readers understand quickly. This would help me grasp the concept faster and get back to enjoying reading the article. Hope this feedback helps!

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