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Elves ([ ɛlf ])

Live forever to die by a sword. How sad.
— King Tormen, circa 1259 TF
  The elves originated from Olivia, and are regarded a sub-species of humans, adapting to forests and developing to be better attuned to Fost.   The elves of Olivia are viewed as proud and elegant, but their associated sin is one of Pride, believing that they are a superior species to others due to the longevity of their life and their skills in using Fost.   Elven cultures vary but are often lives filled with glamour and wealth, preferring bureaucracy and positions of power. Due to their nature, elves are sometimes hostile to other cultures and aren't known for integrating well. When referring to their genders, the gendered terms are Aelfas [ ˈæl.fæs ] and Aelfan [ ˈæl.fæn ].

Basic Information


Elves are humanoid. Their ears are pointed, in contrast to their human brethren, and are often structurally more slender and tall. Their eyes are often larger and their sight does not often suffer from biological afflictions as humans do. Their skin colour can vary between darker shades in hotter climates and paler shades in colder climates, and their hair usually matches in colour.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves can live to be almost three hundred years old as a general maximum. Elves are also largely more infertile than humans, and so their generations last for long spans - almost a hundred years. Because of their infertility, their populations are much more controlled compared to humans.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their Fost sense is one of the best attuned, able to sense its use and even weak concentrations in their environment.
270 - 320 years
Average Height
5’10” - 6'8"
Average Weight
40 - 75 kg


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