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Final Address by Saint Dafyd


It's obvious that the nature of Saint Dafy's last address was to make his imminent demise apparent. It was intent to ensure that people did not devolve into trying to find further meaning into his passing or attempt to replace him with another figure and instead rely on what already existed. It also reads as if Saint Dafyd is apologising for his own actions (though likely the lacklustre attempt is due to this thirteenth address, where Saint Dafyd apologised for his military campaigns, and likely did not want to tread the same water).

Historical Details


By 305 RB, Emperor Consort Dafyd was becoming sickly and weak. He had suffered a number of illnesses in the cold of Yule's Heart and in his travels from Valyea to other parts of the Empire from 296 RB until 304 RB. In 305 RB, he spent a great deal of the year bedridden. However Dafyd wished not to leave his peoples without direction. When he could no longer leave the palace without company, he began to make addresses to the people. Many would make pilgrimage to Jokipalat to hear these addresses. In total, Emperor Consort Dafyd made nineteen addresses, attempting to alleviate concerns of the people in these speeches.   This address was the final address made, two months before he passed.


The final address is the final and most important piece of scripture that was compiled into the Words of Dafyd, and is often used as the reason for the Dafydism branch of Hommism. The directives that Saint Dafyd gave have become synonymous with Dafydism, with churches to Saint Dafyd often showing these directives in some form or another.   Over time these have been adapted and debated. For example, the directive 'to hold Hom's creations sacred' has often been debated on whether livestock and animals should be treated without cruelty, or whether the means for livelihoods mean they are treated as sacred as Hom expects - this has caused some divided between the east and west. The standard listing for Saint Dafyd's directives are:
  1. to treat one another as well as you would want to be treated yourself
  2. to not steal for one's vices (Often amended to read 'to no steal' with no reference to vices - its likely Saint Dafyd wished to pardon those who stole with no other option)
  3. to not kill under Hom's name in vain (Sometimes omitted entirely, and sometimes amended to read 'to not kill' with no reference to Hom. Likely to pardon those who kill in military service, but possibly to pardon Dafyd himself and his own involvement. The latter amendment is debated often.)
  4. to not betray the trust of your peers (Adapted to account for not just partnership in marriage)
  5. to raise your children with love not fear
  6. to have what you need, and give what you can
  7. to hold Hom's creations sacred
  8. to work hard in the week and rest on the day on the Hom
  9. to listen to your elders, but encourage your youngers
  10. to hold Hom as our highest authority and no other (Sometimes amended to read 'to hold Hom as our highest authority alongside our Empress/Emperor, and no others' in strongly-tied Imperial territories)
  11. and to protect those that cannot protect themselves
Authoring Date
8th Solhaut, 306 RB


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