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Gold and Gems

Gold and gems, gold and gems,

Bring to me your gold and gems.


Not on my life, not on my life,

If you try I'll take your life!


Open your gate, open your gate,

Open your gate and let me in!


I'll eat all my gems, I'll eat all my gold!

I won't do as I'm told.

  The song of Gold and Gems is an old F'yorish song, often amongst the northern F'yorish around Noixbal, sung by children at a young age to one another. It often is sung as a duet, with one singing a stanza and another responding with the next stanza. It's recorded they most enjoy the last stanza - probably agreeing with the stubborn sentiment.  

Lyrics Variation

The lyrics have had many variations as its recorded as being sung for almost over 1000 years in F'yore. Some small words changes occur in various places. For example in southern F'yore the second stanza often is repeated as:  

Not on my life, not on my life,

If you try I'll take your wife!



The currently accepted origin to the story is the Siege of Forge d'Or in the ninth century of the Age of the Third Clans, where the Noix Kingdom attempted to gain the wealth of the forge by forcing them to pay tribute to them. The siege lasted a month and is noted as significant for being the first major conflict with a Dwarven Forge to succeed in subduing the forge. The forge remained in the realm of Noix for some time during the ninth century before the Noix Kingdom splintered into further northern kingdoms late into the Age of the Third Clans.   The stubbornness written in the last stanza potentially reflects how the siege managed to cut off support to the forge from the farmland, and as the forge was notable for its jewellery it is a mockery of them only having gems and gold to eat.


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