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Imperial Army

You could dress a child in the breastplate, and give them a spear, and it would be just as effective as an Imperial Soldier; you didn't need to see them in combat, you just knew as soon as you saw the blue and green, they were the worst.
  When the Valyean Empire came to power after the invasion of Kettel and when the wars in F'yore began, the Imperial Army under the Emperor Roja was a formiddable one with a reputation for being disciplined and strong. After the expansion of the empire, this reputation became lost as the Imperial Army desperately recruited from all corners of Olivia to ensure they had control over the continent; this was expounded by the fact the Empire wanted a garrison in every major town as a point of communication and policing.


The Imperial Army was led by the Emperor at the highest point. Before the Valyean Empire, the Valyean Army had separate divisions or companies associated to regions in Valyea. As the empire expanded, new companies were founded.   In the peak, the Emperor was still the highest in the heirarchy, followed by eight Chief Company Commanders that oversaw operations in eight regions: Valyean Homelands, Southern F'yore, Northern F'yore and Yule's Heart, Western Lamércia, Eastern Lamércia, the Norlands, the Marshlands, and Kettel.   Each company hosted a number of garrisons at each major city, with each garrison being maintained by a Garrison Commander. These garrisons would act as the local police force and point of communication in the Empire.   Each company also then had battalions, hosted at barracks or camps. These battalions were the active military force, called upon to engage in warfare, such as the Southern F'yorish battalions used in Yule's Heart.   Originally only made up on Valyeans, the army soon had to include local populations to ensure it had the manpower to maintain its garrisons and battalions. When the Empire collapsed, a few garrisons dropped the Valyean name as soon as it was in their best interest, siding with their homeland.
Military, Army
Alternative Names
Valyean Army, the Blue Parrots, Them


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Aug 12, 2023 00:43 by Barron

Oh boy, never a good sign when you are scraping the bottom of the manpower barrel. Great article. :)