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Religion in Olivia and Eleanor

The realms of Olivia and Eleanor is home to many cultures and peoples, and thereby has many stories, myths, and beliefs on how the world operates and how it was created. These are the religions that govern the traditions and livelihoods of those who follow them - how they impact their followers differ from the small to the great. Their history can be found in ancient texts and constant storytellings that over the years have culminated in organisations, holy buildings, and their imprints being found all over.


This list provides the major organised religions, determined by larger followings, places of worship, widespread festivals and celebrations, and scripture to retain their accuracy. What differs a major religion from a minor religion is debated.


The belief that Emperor Dafyd I was a prophet and messenger from the gods, who rose to god-like status upon his death. There is a belief that the blood of Dafyd still exists in the realm and he will return to pass judgement.


The precursor to Dafydism - belief in the one god Hom, who created the world and all things in it.


A religion prominent amongst orcs that describe the world was formed by the brothers Khom and Khehr.


The belief that the world was forged by great monsters known as the Titans: Inertia, Alea, Fidea, Anima, and Magmeta. The titans were locked away from the world after forging it by saints; Momenta, Fada, Kaia, Livia, and Froi - Livia who gives Olivia its name


A old age belief that the world is entrenched in spirits that coalesce within six separate aspects. These spirits control various forms of life. Their origin story is heavily debated. Often cited as the precursor to many religions in Olivia. Further information here

Bulo Pantheon

A pantheon of five deities that embody the world and its events: Luno the fisherman, Mar the farmer, Merrin the wanderer, Jules the woodsman, and Vex the shepherd. These beings are often linked to the five celestial objects in the sky that are not the sun, moons, or stars. Sometimes includes a deity that resembles early depictions of Hom.

Dwyntian Pantheon

A old age pantheon that holds Dwarves in high regard; it tells that the world was forged by ur-Dwarves who continue to watch the world. These forefathers were Dor, Dam, Glae, Glam, Sor, Shie and Spel - in Olivia, these forefathers are said to have been the original founders of the seven Dwarven Forges.


An older myth from Valyea that tells the creation of the world was by the elven brother and sister Miiko and Lynnae, who commonly are represented by the sun and the moons.

Southern Pantheon

An religion born from the river Niluo in Kettel; it considers five deities that represent parts of the river - the spring, the floodlands, the mouth, the brooks, and the current. The religion has extended to other aspects of life.


An older pantheon from the plains of Eleanor that includes figures Vantak, Balin, Kaesa; these deities were once warlords that eventually turned peaceful and gave their power up to be passive watchers and guides.

Drakar of the World

The Omriccans often take the traditions of the Drakar and the Drakmadda. The idea of the Dagonmother, the distant ancestor to lizardmen and birdmen, but also of the Dragonmother's children, the five dragons of the earth embodying the elements of fire (red), water and air (blue), sand (yellow), metal (black), and wood (green). These traditions are peaceful and are rooted in being one with the earth. Many tales are woven about the efforts of the children amongst the people.

Minor Deities and Myths

The Dragonmother

A lizardmen and birdmen religion, shared from a common ancestor, that believes that their folk were born from a great dragon who sleeps in the world, with a watchful eye on her children.


A deity that believes in laughing, love, and bloodlust, and yet is commonly worshipped by the merchants as the god is considered to give favour and fortune to those in the trade.


A figure believed to be the father of life in the savannah, and ingenuity. Temples can be found in Kettel for their worship but have become abandoned and unmaintained as belief has wavered.


A vintafolk belief in the ancient warrior by the name Baudikka, who fought monsters and creatures that existed in the primordial world. Often honoured and used as a role-model for vintafolk.


A deity worshipped amongst the nomadic Duranese. A representation of the sun and the wind and therefore worshipped for safe travel, weather.


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