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Union of Quldafjord

[quote]Never have I seen a nation as united and committed to peace. It makes one wonder, if we did not mistreat the Orcish in Olivia so badly, might we also see the strength of a nation for longer than a hundred years?|Magi Bramwell 418 RB[quote]   The Union of Quldafjord, as it was recorded in the first treaty, is now a nation located in Eleanor, controlling swathes of the region around the Knife of the World known as the Olive Fields, the Gold Fields, and the Frigid South. It is the largest nation in Eleanor and has been a nation for approximately 500 years. The Historians of the Quldafjord mark the start of the Age of the Fourth Clans as the forming of Quldafjord, near the end of the Sixth War in the Knife of the World.   The demography of Quldafjord is an Orcish majority - it is often regarded as the homeland to orcs. This leads to Quldafjord having a difficult relationship with Olivia due to Olivia's history of mistreatment to the Orcish species. It's important to recognise the different cultures that exist in Quldafjord as it is not a homogenous collective of "Orcs" but instead many years and clans of Orcish peoples, including some Birdmen, Dwarven, Gnomish and, whilst they themselves would disagree, elven peoples.   The issues that Quldafjord faces in the year 494 RB is the maintaining of the union, the current diplomatic relations between them and Olivia being expanded, the Eastern Empire's opinion that the elvish reservations in the Frigids need civilising and discussions on a possible Eastern colony in the south, piracy growing stronger in the Entanre Sea, and the common issue on improving democratic representation in the senate.   It's generally considered, with grumbles, that Quldafjord is the centre of the civilised world; their Historians are considered the most methodical, their systems of philosophy, religion, science, and infrastructure are widely respected, and there has been no major conflict recorded within Quldafjord for a hundred years.


The government of Quldafjord is managed by the Chief Custodian of Quldafjord, a spokesperson and servant to the Senate of Quldaford. The Senate is made from three pieces:  

Senate of the Clans

Made up of forty-three people, all heads of major and influential clans that hold their position by heritage. The ruling clans are influential for their property in land and other assets, and are in charge of their maintenance. They are also in charge, separately, of military power, but are heavily regulated in how many knights and soldiers they may have in reserve or in training. This has been maintained since the very first treaty was formed, and since has meant that the military force of Quldaford can remain large enough to defend its resources, without giving a singular person military power, and ensure the military is diverse enough to tackle any problem.  

Senate of the Governors

Made up of forty-eight people, all governors of defined regions and areas of Quldafjord, elected by the people of the region every three to five years. The realm of Quldafjord is split into forty-eight regions/districts of which the elected Governors manage infrastructure, tax use, and law of the land, providing the public services required by their people. Many regional facilities are run in this way such as education, healthcare, construction, policing, and taxation. The separation of police and military is a recent one in Quldafjord's history, occurring after the Cityfolk Revolts when police dictatorship was rampant.  

Senate of the Elders

Made up of seven people, all over the age of sixty, with the power to veto and vote but not to introduce new policies. They are also the senate that elects the next Chief Custodian after the last.   In total, the Senate contains ninety-eight persons, who come to together to discuss and vote on legislation and new initiatives for the government. The true running of the government comes from the Chief Custodian, who organises and orders the government, engages in initial diplomatic relations, and places government officers into power: the Chief to the Treasury, the Chief to the States, the Chief to the Academies, the Chief to the Trades, the Chief to the Farms, and the Chief to the Seas.  
  • The Chief to the Treasury manages the government treasury, taxes and spending, organising the books and budgets for other government bodies.
  • The Chief to the States manages the policies on regions and districts, audits and reviews legislation in place, and manages large scale construction work.
  • The Chief to the Academies manages the government academies, universities, schools and general education in the state, providing resources to them when needed.
  • The Chief to the Trades manages the ports and markets, audits and reviews legislation is being followed, and enforcing market taxes.
  • The Chief to the Farms manages the policies on farms and also resource gathering, ensuring legislation is following and keeping the national census as part of older roles.
  • The Chief to the Seas manages the policies on the waters and ports, international relations, and ensuring that protection is available militarily by organising the Clan Chiefs.


Formed at the end of the Age of the Third Clans, it was originally a treaty defined as a Union of Nine Clans (Quldafjord is the 'Oljadhum term for 'Nine Clans') to assist in the Sixth War in the Knife of the World, formed between nine clans in the north of the regions of the Gold Coast and Olive Fields: the Mosstusks, the Sweettooths, the Thorntooths, the MossSkins, the Skybreaths, the Paleskins, the Oliveskins, the Waterfeet, and the Ironblood. The Union was formed in 1507 TF by a treaty written by the Moss Kins (the Gladtohlab) and to use 'Almaz'o as the its headquarters for discussion.   The treaty originally dictated as military union, where each would command and army, but there would be an elected Custodian to manage everything from the top level, and to assure victory for the north in the Sixth War. There was also a requirement of tax to a pool that would be used to fund the war.   By 1508 TF, the treaty was amended to include the Bronzebloods, the Yellowtusks, and the Walkers, increasing the count of clans to twelve. The treaty remained named the Union of the Nine Clans and has remained ever since.   As the war continued to be fought in the western regions of the Green Fields and the Ghremwd, the Union eventually encompassed a number of amendments and changes to benefit the north territories, eventually becoming bloated enough to require the formation of the first Senate in the spring of 1509 TF. Clans in the south were being defeated and admitted into the Union with requirements to lay down arms for peace. By 1509 TF, the war's conflicts were becoming smaller and manageable, and the Union had a senate of thirty-five clan Chiefs. This settled the founding on the 13th day of Froiarye in Olivia, in 1509 TF.   The treaty was sat down and re-amended by the thirty-five chiefs to ensure peace. The Union was intended to be autonomous for the clans to operate as if they were simply smaller states, but the implementation of a Union Treasury allowed for reparations to be made to affected territories in the war. It was heralded as a year of peace. The Chief Custodian at the time, Adhel of the Gladtohlab, is often attributed the name Peacemaker, and is considered a figure of noble origin.   Since then, Quldafjord has existed for almost five hundred years, with twenty-seven Chief Custodians having lived and served the union. In 185 RB, after a tumultuous cold conflict within the Senate, the Chief Custodian's role was amended so that they were to be elected by a Senate of Elders, and that they would be elected from a lower clan or lesser noble in the Great Clans. This was caused by the Yellowtusks, who through pacts and agreements, were technically in control of four chiefs and the Chief Custodian, leading to some legislation passed that favoured themselves and punished their long-time rival, the Bronzebloods. Chief Custodian Jomel of the Nabfr disappeared mysteriously and was replaced by the newly elected Chief Custodian Khensel of the S'adeqlel in 185 RB (the S'adeqlel were considered a lesser clan in this time). Khensel would be known as the Gnome Whisperer for his clan's association with Bul, and with the improved relations with Bul afterward.   In 250 RB, the Cityfolk revolts sparked by the increasing power of trade and wealthy merchants wanting to have more say in how their cities and settlements were run. This created the Senate of the Governors, creating thirty-two seats for Governors that originally were just spokespeople for merchants in the cities. This spread to entire regions as time passed and populations grew and clan links became less organised. In 273 RB, the governors gained power of policing after police dictatorship from some Great Clans lead to legislation passed by a slim majority.   In 342 RB, Chief Custodian Nolekh of the Nahrhlw was the first birdman to be elected into the position, and in 345 RB oversaw the assistance of a conflict in Rhuti that garnered him a name of Turntail in the Rhutian peoples, especially the Birdmen, due to the support given to the western regions in the Mnqaran Second Civil War.   In 423 RB, Chief Custodian Botema of the 'Ols'afr was the first female to be elected into the position. It was a surprise it had not happened sooner as many Great Clans had ‘olnisa (female orcs) chiefs and there was no significant discrimination towards females for clan chiefs.   The Senate has now grown to the ninety-eight persons it now holds. Great Clans have appeared and disappeared as times have changed.
Founding Date
1509 TF/ 0RB
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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