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World History

A simplistic history of the world, involving major events on continents.

Age of the First Clans


An era of the world that very little is known and in which the world may well have been very different to what it is now. Many religions and scientists attempt to place events in this period with various pieces of loose evidence.   There is little evidence to certain events occurring and so many are taken with a pinch of salt. Historians of Quldafjord name it the Age of First Clans to refer to the early civilisations such as the Sjichan that existed.

  • The Beginning
    Birth of the World
    Artistic creation

    The world was birthed from the stardust of the universe, forming around a core of power and strength. Accounts of its creation differ between cultures - further information given by each major religion.   All agree it was a long time ago.

  • Early History
    Cracking of the Earth
    Geological / environmental event

    The earth had formed prior to this, but a major event involving the formation of the crust layers about its core meant that landmasses could form and the seas could fill. During the hardening, areas cracked and the core was able to reach points nearer to the surface. Historians say this was the first formation of the earth's Fostpoints, but they are malleable and flexible in the history of the planet.

  • Early History
    Birth of the Sjichan
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Sjichan in their earliest ephemeral forms came from the Fostpoints across the globe. Their life was imbued into the environment that surrounded the Fostpoints.

Age of the Second Clans

0 WF and backward

The Second Clans is a term given by Historians of Quldafjord when civilisations were understood to have existed and been existing but there are no written records and very little historical evidence corroborating events that occurred. Some of these events are verbally passed down through generations, some have physical evidence, but it is difficult to pin point events to particular dates.   Historians agree during this time the first few sentient species of Olivia and Eleanor came to form tribes and societies - specifically Orcs, Elves, Lizardmen, Birdfolk, Augurfolk, Dwarves and Gnomes. The history of Humans was often forgotten by Quldafjord due to their rarity in Eleanor.

  • -799 OF

    The Migration of Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    The elves migrated amongst Olivia and Eleanor to the world Fostpoints. They began building settlements in these regions. Some Historians disagree if these were in fact early humans, affected by Fost that then gave them the long lifespans and improved abilities that transitioned them into Elves.

  • -199 OF

    The Elves are Exiled
    Population Migration / Travel

    Due to an unrecorded betrayal by the elves, the sjichan cast teh elves out of their cities in Eleanor's fostpoints. The cities become abandoned and the fostpoints reclaimed.

Age of the Third Clans

0 TF - 1505TF

Historians of Quldafjord place the Age of the Third Clans beginning with the earliest historical records being made. Early and Ancient written records place this roughly a thousand years in the past, with societies and early kingdoms being formed in this era. In this era, the gnomes of Bul in Eleanor formed the Rhussom Empire that stretched over a large swatches of the eastern lands in Eleanor. Details of this empire are found in stone carvings and early etchings.

  • 1 TF

    Birth of Khenzr, the King of the Written Word
    Life, Birth

    The marker for the start of the Age of the Third Clans, the birth of Khenzr is considered the best way to order events for Historians in Quldafjord. Known as the 'King of the Written Word' (only in modern days, it was not a term when they were alive), the chieftain Khenzr ensured that every detail of his life was written down. Many details are exaggerated but gives the best base for historical events to be matched to, and very rarely do events diverge strongly from Khenzr's records.

  • 107 TF

    Approximate Founding of Rhussom

    The city of Rhussom is said to have been founded around this time. There is little evidence on a specific date, but etchings and carvings as well as written documents describe it as occurring around this time.

  • 355 TF

    The War of the Titans
    Religious event

    An approximate time given to the event where the Titans were cast from the world by the Titanist saints, thereby claiming the world for the mortals.

  • 823 TF

    2 /8
    823 TF

    11 /8

    Siege of Forge d'Or
    Military action

    The siege of Forge d'Or is a well documented piece of history that describes the King Jon IV attempting to take control of the Forge d'Or to propel the small Kingdom of Noixbal into strength. The siege was eventually successful and the forge remained under their control for many years until the dwarves revolted.

  • 968 TF

    973 TF

    First War in the Knife of the World
    Military: War

    The first of the Wars in the Knife of the World. Caused by the Rhussom empire expanding and clans that sided with Rhussom finding issue with those that did not. The war was won by the defending clans.

  • 1013 TF

    1026 TF

    Third War in the Knife of the World
    Military: War

    Initially wage to return the land taken sixty years prior, the third war saw the rotation of many clans from major to minor, and many clans migrated and changed territories with one another. The war lasted so long due to many smaller conflicts that budded from and took longer to reolve.

  • 1047 TF

    Clan Gladtohlab settle Almaz'o
    Population Migration / Travel

    The once abandoned city of Almaz'o is rediscovered and settled by the clan Gladtohlab, who find the architecture clever in its matching and integration with nature. The study of the architecture leads to other clans mimicking its style in later buildings.

  • 1054 TF

    1065 TF

    Second War in the Knife of the World
    Military: War

    After the Rhussom Empire showed cracks, clans that felt that would lose their influence began to try to move into other territories. After various power struggles began, the Knife of the World was split in two again and war was won by the attackers, beginning the act of building fortresses and castles in strategic points.

  • 1272 TF

    1308 TF

    Fourth War in the Knife of the World
    Military: War

    What began as a single tyrant in the south of the Knife of the World, became a much larger conflict incorporating almost all the Great Clans of the time. The tyrant eventually died and conflict was won by the defending clans.

  • 1339 TF

    1339 TF

    Fifth War in the Knife of the World
    Military: War

    Styled as the 'War of Madness' or the 'Three-Year War', it was spurned by sudden paranoia at the deaths of some of the Great Clans' chieftains. Infighting brew into disputes and conflict but died off, but did not aid the rising tensions in the south.

  • 1436 TF

    1509 TF

    19 /13

    Sixth War in the Knife of the World
    Military: War

    The Sixth War in the Knife of the World, caused by growing tensions between clans in the north and the south, and differences in opinions of leadership. Almost all clans in the regions ended up involved, and it ended in the Union of Quldafjord, eventually culminating in a win for the north.

Age of the Fourth Clans

1506TF/0RB Onward

Historians in Quldafjord place the start of the Age of the Fourth Clans as when the Union of QUldafjord came into being. The union was heralded as a landmark in history for being such a large and democratic union of orcs.   This is the current age, and on where the rise and fall of the Valyean Empire is recorded.

  • 0 RB

    17 /6

    Formation of the Union of Quldafjord
    Political event

    The initial formation of the Union of Quldafjord was written and signed by nine of the largest clans in Eleanor, established to end the sixth of the Wars in the Knife of the World. This became the founding date and is celebrated throughout Quldajord today.

  • 161 RB

    6 /12
    164 RB

    17 /4

    Ketta-Valya Conflict
    Military action

    Valyea declares war on several independent states in Kettel, who then unify in fighting against the Valyeans.   Kettel eventually joins the empire after the death of the Kettelese Monarchy, who are rumoured to have been assassinated. The few city governors left bend the knee to Emperor Dafyd I.

  • 243 RB

    28 /5

    Birth of Dafyd Malor
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Dafyd Malor is recorded, the second son of Lord Dafyd Malor of Elmarie. Dafyd eventually becomes a saint and a religion forms from his beliefs and teachings.   This year is given as 0DB by Dafydian calendars.

  • 250 RB

    250 RB


    Cityfolk Revolts/The Stew Pot Revolts
    Political event

    Cityfolk in Quldafjord revolt against the ruling of the Great Clans, their main issues being control of city land, taxation in cities, and lack of representation especially in cities claimed by Great Clans but with no historical association. Many cities follow the same protests and fights break out in the cities. To placate the people, the government and senate of Quldafjord is reorganised with the inclusion of city governors, elected representatives.

  • 268 RB

    1 /7

    Marriage of Rouna Beatrix and Dafyd Malor

    The princess to the realm of Valyea, Rouna Beatrix, is married to Dafyd Malor, with the blessing from King Roja Beatrix.

  • 269 RB

    19 /11

    F'yore joins the Valyean Empire
    Political event

    Fifteen lords of F'yore sign the Union of the Lordship of F'yore to enter under Valyean rule. The realm of F'yore officially enters Valyean control.

  • 271 RB

    14 /1
    271 RB

    19 /1

    Death of Roja and Kaare Beatrix
    Life, Death

    A sickness takes hold of Emperor Roja I and his eldest daughter Kaare. It ends in their death days within one another. Beatrix is left as the surviving heir and becomes Empress Rouna I, but most of the people rally behind Dafyd as their ruler instead.

  • 276 RB

    6 /7
    277 RB


    Lamérco-Valya Conflict
    Military action

    Emperor Dafyd I heads the conquest of Lamércian that ends with the royalty of Lamércia submitted to Valyean rule.

  • 282 RB

    5 /7
    296 RB

    2 /7

    Campaign of Winter's Heart
    Military action

    Emperor Dafyd I pushes a campaign into Yule's Heart, forcing the Vintafolk from their homelands and claiming the realms north for the Valyean Empire. The campaign took many years due to the cold.

  • 306 RB

    14 /10

    Death of Emperor Dafyd I
    Life, Death

    The St Dafyd, also beloved Emperor of the Valyean Empire, dies, leaving no children. Only Empress Rouna Beatrix remains.

  • 307 RB

    27 /2

    Marriage of Rouna Beatrix and Oji Mizushi

    The Empress Rouna marries Lord Oji Mizushi of Ou to keep the empire united.

  • 307 RB

    14 /4
    307 RB

    13 /10

    Revolt of the Old Forest

    Those in the Mercia-Forge alliance conflicted with the armies of Eastern Mercia, sent to assist in the campaigns of F'yore. Diplomatic talks broke as the Mercia-Forge asked for assistance in the North and were rebuffed.

  • 307 RB

    21 /10

    Founding of Dymercia

    Dymercia achieves a tenuous amount of independence after the Revolt of the Old Forest.

  • 442 RB

    1 /13

    The Arrival of the North Wind
    Disaster / Destruction

    A great dragon settles in the Vintaflans, on the mountain Malnik. It begins to erupt destruction onto the southern lands and the Vintafolk see its arrival as a gift from their god.

  • 455 RB

    22 /7

    War of Dragon's Nest
    Military action

    The dragon North Wind is defeated in a battle costing many soldiers.

  • 494 RB

    The Current Year