Church of the Runelord

The First Emperor of Glaive, Aesir the Runelord became the unifier and the bringer of order in the name of the One.  The first to bear the Rune of the Crown, Aesir spoke with the authority of the One, striking down primitive, heretical beliefs in other gods and bringing together the peoples of Glaive under the benevolent yet just banner of the all-faceted One.     Within the Voice of the One, Aesir's role as unifier and emissary continues with the Runelord enshrined as intercessor between the people of Glaive and its deity.  The reverence for the leader who brought hope and unity to Glaive remains vital thanks to the continued leadership of his heirs, each bearing the symbolic authority first carried by Aesir and tracing their lineage directly back to him.     Within the Church of the Runelord, clergy dedicate themselves to the multi-faceted nature of the One.  In ceremony, they don the triple-visaged mask of the One as a symbol of the balance represented by the deity and to demonstrate the multiplicity of the cleric's roles and identity within the service of the god.


Founded upon the teachings of Aesir and his advisors, the Church of the Runelord views humankind as the chosen of the One. Humans, like the deity itself, are many-faceted, capable of infinite skills and abilities. The other races are not so blessed.  They, the church asserts, are limited, broken reflections of single aspects of the One, unable to ever reach the potential given to humankind.     Certainly, the Church of the One welcomes all races, and in fact expects their worship.  However, those races are praised for their exemplification of single aspects of development, held up as reminders that even the most specialized tool is crafted by the one, but it is the hand that can wield the tool and the mind that can understand its utility which are truly reflections of the wonders the One has bestowed. Because of the enshrinement of humanity as the pinnacle of the One's creation, any miscegenation or dilution of humanity is condemned and considered abhorrent. Any such limitation of humanity's potential is regarded as devolving into the curtailed utility of the race with which it is mixed.


The history of the Church of the Runelord is intertwined publicly and openly with the Voice of the One and secretly and silently with Aequitas    Both connections can be traced back to their shared origins in History: Origins, but such legends are so obscure that few are aware of them, and even the High Celebrant of the One is likely unaware of the complexity of interconnection.
Religious, Organised Religion