
Native to the Western part of Glaive, Cinder Ravens are a unique species surviving in areas where few other fauna are able to tolerate the cold. Intelligent and adaptable, Cinder Ravens commonly nest in the chimneys and smokestacks of human habitations, relying on the warmth of the fires to survive the coldest winters.   Moderate to large in size, with dark plumage, Cinder Ravens often appear gray due to the ash coating their plumage. Some local myths have come to associate the birds as psychopomps, describing the dark clouds that follow them and the glowing fire that edges their wings. Most likely, such tales can be explained by the ash dislodged in flight and the cinders potentially carried from their warm nests, but the images of CinderRavens trailing ash and glowing embers are quite unique.   Among the Western Tribes, Cinder Ravens are welcome guests. The birds are known to harvest twigs and branches, not only for nest building, but to drop down the shafts of chimneys into the hearth below. These gifts seem to indicate the birds' high intelligence, as they supplement the fires that keep them and their young warm from the cold.   Cinder Ravens are also renowned for the richness and diversity of their song. Ranging from dozens to hundreds of variations, the Cinder Raven's range of melodies seems to expand throughout their lifespan, and each raven's repertoire seems to be unique. Families sharing their homes with Cinder Ravens often delight in the melodies of the birds, and some tribal folksongs are supposedly based on melodies first heard resonating down a chimney. A few local shamans claim to have been able to communicate with or train specific Ravens by decoding their songs and mimicking them.   Mating for life, Cinder Ravens engage in elaborate mating rituals, having been observed bringing embers from a fire to a potential mate, proving their acquisition of a safe haven for the pair and their offspring. Throughout their lives, mated pairs of Cinder Ravens develop an elaborate repertoire of communications unique to their nest.   The Cinder Raven is the inspiration for one of the rookeries of The Flock in the city of Elderforge.

Basic Information


  • Dark plumage ranging from dark grey to mottled brown and blank. Most specimens are pure black.  
  • Wingspans range from 14 to 22 inches, although larger specimens have been reported in areas with larger factory chimneys.
  • Cinder Ravens are capable hunters as well as scavengers. In active hunting, they typically rely on their sharp beaks to pierce their prey.  
  • The talons of Cinder Ravens are surprisingly dexterous, allowing them to manipulate objects as well as hold prey effectively.  Local observers have reported tool use among the birds. 

Genetics and Reproduction

Cinder Ravens mate for life, developing unique behaviors and vocalizations between the pair.  If one mate is killed, the other usually remains solitary, although single Cinder Ravens have been reported raising the abandoned young of other birds.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Eastern tundra and frostblight.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent, Cinder Ravens have been observed to use tools, communicate with one another, and with humans. Mischievous and clever, the Ravens can be trained, but they are quite likely to ignore commands if they are interested in something else.
Scientific Name
Avis Corvidae Ignis
25 years
Average Length
4 span, or around 3 feet