
A closely guarded secret, most in Aequitas recognize Eucresia as an alchemical substance that enhances the ability of Equalizers while providing the added benefits of tracking assets when in the field. Fewer than half a dozen in the entire breadth of the organization know the truth. Eucresia is a mixture of the blood of The Three, a potent substance whose abilities for enhancement are derived from the very struggle that drives Glaive itself. Only a drop needs to be mixed into a dose in order to imbue Equalizers with almost supernatural powers, and it provides the added benefit of allowing Aequitas Calibrators to track their assets by the power in their blood.   Eucresia is a potent asset for the organization, and few Equalizers ever have the unfortunate experience of discovering what happens when they are unable to receive their scheduled dosage. Those who do regret it. Eucresia is, in its essence, the distilled power of an ancient accord. It gives power. Being cut off from it indicates a violation of that accord. Those unable to access Eucresia suffer violent withdrawals, often struggling with seizures, nightmares, and hallucinations. A few Aequitas scholars who have studied the infusion's effects suggest that since most of those suffering from Eucresia withdrawal are those who have attempted to leave Aequitas, the effects of the withdrawal are symptomatic of Glaive's warring powers considering the rogue agent a free target, having stepped outside the safety of the ancient accord that held them in check. These classified studies hint that such former Equilizers prime targets for recruitment and corruption or destruction by the hidden forces striving to overtake Glaive.   Both the Knights of the Burning Blade and the Knights of the Frozen Blade use Eucresia as leverage in their attempts to splinter Aequitas and to recruit Equalizers who harbor doubts about their mission or their employers. Both organizations claim to possess drugs of equal potency capable of maintaining Equalizers' heightened skills and preventing withdrawals. Such an offer is irresistible to anyone suffering the agonizing withdrawals from the power and connection of Eucresia, and although there is no official documentation of any Equalizers having joined either order of Knights, the potential of a few doing so is high.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Provides enhanced dexterity, strength, constitution, and perception. Eucresia is said to allow the recipient to come into harmony with the nature of Glaive itself. Those under its influence appear to have the ability to anticipate events around them, picking up the most minute cues in their environment and responding with blinding speed. Able to sustain and heal damage at a higher rate, those injected with Eucresia can easily be seen as indestructible or supernatural, a perception which can aid agents of Aequitas in completing their missions. The element of changeability also enhances changes in appearance and mannerism.    The "connection" to the balance of Glaive also allows those taking Equilibria to be tracked. The unique signature of the compound permits those with a paired device to track their agents, making recovery easier - whether that "recovery" is at the end of a mission or at the end of service to Aequitas.   Eucresia is immediately addictive. That property of the infusion is not a problem, simply because Aequitas provides it for the remainder of the asset's life. Attempting to cease taking the infusion is agonizing and psychologically devastating. It results in seizures and hallucinations as well as elevated heart rate, and temperatures. All knowledge about Eucresia's effects and the details of withdrawal are anecdotal; the only known studies of its mechanism are internal research within Aequitas and are carefully guarded and classsified.