Ranks from Highest to lowest   King or Queen Title given to a male monarch in a variety of contexts, via bloodline or domination over thy enemies. The female equivalent is Queen.
  King can be over a single nation or multiple nations.

Duke or Duchess Is a noble who resides over a duchy (or dukedom) and holds the highest hereditary title of nobility. Duchess: Is the female equivalent to a Duke.

Crown Prince Hereditary prince is the heir apparent to the throne in a royal or imperial monarchy
Prince A title that is often misconstrued with power. A princes power is limited and thus is ranked below that of a Duke. Often a prince is only in title only and once the crown prince becomes King then the prince loses power unless another title is bestowed.

Marquis or Margravine A nobleman of high hereditary rank. Usually hereditary but can be bestowed upon those of a strong blood line.

Earl or Countess A person of noble birth and rank. Given a large territory to govern for the King.

Viscount or Viscountess A viscount or viscountess is a title used for a noble of varying status. A Viscountess is the wife of a Viscount. Primarily the Viscount is a non-hereditary, administrative or judicial position but nobility gives greater sway in becoming a viscount of the non-nobles.

Baron Baron is a rank of nobility or title of honor, often hereditary, although can be bestowed unto those Knights that has proven themselves.

Thane A person who held land granted by the king or by a military nobleman, ranking between an ordinary freeman and a hereditary noble.
  Those holding land without noble blood or bestowal can be considered a Thane through overseeing day to day activities of the people.
  A Thane's power can be barely above a peasants or as powerful as an Baron

Knight or Dame A person awarded a nonhereditary title by the sovereign in recognition of merit or service. Is viewed by many with high regards because they earned their title through combat and military service. in their lord's service.

Squire A man of high social standing who owns and lives on an estate in a rural area, especially the chief landowner in such an area.
  Many times a young noble will enter the service as a squire to a knight to gain notoriety, respect and with effort a higher title.

Page A person employed as the personal attendant of a person of rank. Usually, has the voice of their employer and acts accordingly.

Gentlemen or Lady Lords or Ladies have the reputation of good breeding, being honorable, well educated and being fair in business. Many Lords and Ladies are of nobility, however some has risen to the ranks of lesser nobles through mercantile or other business ventures.

Alderman A noble serving the king as a chief officer in a district or shire. These also, serve under Counts, Barons etc.
  This is the highest rank that a peasant can hope to obtain without having the proper lineage paperwork.

Yeoman A person given access to build, hold and cultivating a small landed estate. This person is essentially a freeman to do what they wish with their land grant.
  Can also be a person that is in the employ of a noble as a servant in a royal or noble house. Positioning their power between that of a Page and a Squire.

Bondsman A person that has been given control of a business, property or manor in employ of a noble.
  Has no power beyond that of the business. Although, may have the ear of the noble that they are employed by thus can be an important ally or adversary.

Commoners, Villeins, Peasants & Serfs A common person has no title and is classified as lower class. Merchants and business owners are of the common class.
  Villeins are tenants entirely subject to a lord or manor to whom he paid dues and services in return for land. These people farm and raise livestock on land parcels that is owned by lords and ladies.
  Peasant is the part of the lowest class the lowest being a serf. Most peasants paying rent, tax, fees, or services to a landlord with barely enough to provide basic sustenance with the remaining funds.     Serfs are bound to their lord to work the land of their noble. Equivalent to slaves in their rights owning a debt to their masters. Once paid off they can become peasants.