
Tahnyth, a militaristic empire forged through unity and valor, stands as a bastion between frontier lands and the Kingdom of Ankara. Led by King Azrakhan, the empire has reunited fractured duchies, expanding its borders through diplomacy and military might. Warriors from diverse backgrounds undergo rigorous training, ensuring strength and bravery are cherished virtues. Tahnyth's history is graced with legendary figures like General Elysia Stormrider and Archmage Valerius Celestis, who have shaped the empire's triumphs. With awe-inspiring architecture, rich cultural heritage, and a reverence for ancestral traditions, Tahnyth thrives under the watchful eye of the majestic Revenia, its newly relocated capital.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Feminine names such as Aurelia, Livia, Antonia, Cornelia, and Valeria exude elegance and grace.

Masculine names

Common masculine names include Aelius, Maximus, Octavian, Lucius, and Valerius, evoking strength and leadership.

Family names

Family names in Tahnyth often reflect noble lineages and historical connections. They can be derived from ancestral territories, significant events, or notable achievements. Examples include names like Galerius, Flavius, Severus, Valerian, and Antonius, which echo the illustrious traditions of noble bloodlines.


Culture and cultural heritage

Military Heritage: The military holds a central place in Tahnythian culture, stemming from the empire's history as a bastion against frontier lands. The ideals of strength, discipline, and honor are deeply ingrained, and military service is seen as a significant duty and a path to social advancement. Diverse Ethnic Influences: Tahnyth's cultural fabric is enriched by a blend of diverse ethnic influences. The mixing of traditions, languages, and customs from various regions contributes to a vibrant and eclectic cultural heritage, fostering a sense of unity within the empire.   Arts, Literature, and Philosophy: Tahnyth values the arts, literature, and philosophy as means of expression and reflection. These cultural pursuits celebrate creativity, provide a sense of identity, and offer a platform for intellectual exploration. Poets, playwrights, and philosophers play a pivotal role in shaping cultural discourse.   Religious Beliefs: Tahnyth embraces a range of religious beliefs and practices, influenced by both indigenous traditions and external faiths. Rituals, ceremonies, and festivals mark important occasions, providing opportunities for communal bonding and spiritual reflection.   Historical Legacy: Tahnyth has a rich historical legacy that spans generations. The empire takes pride in its achievements, legendary figures, and significant events. Historical narratives are passed down through storytelling, preserving the empire's collective memory and shaping its cultural identity.   Hospitality and Community: Tahnythian culture values hospitality and a strong sense of community. Welcoming guests with warmth and generosity is deeply ingrained, reflecting the empire's belief in unity and shared responsibility. Community gatherings, celebrations, and mutual support are integral parts of Tahnythian life.   Traditional Crafts and Artistry: Tahnythians have a strong tradition of craftsmanship and artisanal skills. Skilled artisans create intricate works in metalwork, jewelry-making, weaving, ceramics, and other decorative arts. These crafts reflect cultural heritage and contribute to the empire's aesthetic legacy.   Respect for Ancestors: Tahnythians hold great reverence for their ancestors, honoring their wisdom and contributions. Ancestral rituals, ancestral halls, and family genealogies are cherished, fostering a sense of continuity and connection with the past.

Shared customary codes and values

Honor and Integrity: Honor and integrity are highly valued in Tahnythian society. Individuals are expected to conduct themselves with dignity, honesty, and a strong sense of personal responsibility. Upholding one's word and maintaining a reputation for trustworthiness are essential aspects of the customary code. Loyalty and Duty: Loyalty to family, community, and the empire is a core value in Tahnyth. Individuals are expected to prioritize their responsibilities and fulfill their duties with unwavering commitment. This includes loyalty to the ruler, the military, and one's fellow citizens.   Respect for Authority: Tahnyth places a strong emphasis on respect for authority, particularly towards the ruler and those in positions of power. Adherence to hierarchy and deference to superiors are seen as essential elements of maintaining social order and stability.   Community and Unity: The sense of community and unity is deeply ingrained in Tahnythian culture. The welfare of the collective is prioritized over individual needs, fostering a strong spirit of cooperation, support, and communal responsibility.   Discipline and Self-control: Discipline and self-control are valued traits in Tahnyth. Individuals are expected to exercise restraint, exhibit emotional maturity, and demonstrate self-discipline in their actions and decisions.   Justice and Fairness: Tahnythian society upholds the principles of justice and fairness. The rule of law is paramount, ensuring that everyone is treated equitably and that disputes are resolved impartially.   Tradition and Cultural Heritage: Tahnyth cherishes its traditions and cultural heritage. Respect for customs, rituals, and historical legacy is deeply ingrained, and the preservation of these traditions is considered a shared responsibility.

Average technological level

Agricultural Innovations: Tahnyth has developed agricultural innovations to enhance crop cultivation and improve food production. These include the use of improved tools such as iron plows, advanced irrigation systems, and selective breeding techniques to cultivate hardy and high-yield crops. Architectural Engineering: Tahnythian architects have honed their skills in constructing impressive structures and fortifications. They employ advanced techniques in stone masonry, arch construction, and structural design to create grand palaces, fortified walls, and ornate temples that stand as testaments to the empire's architectural prowess.   Metallurgy: Tahnyth has achieved a level of metallurgical expertise, particularly in the working of iron and bronze. Skilled blacksmiths are adept at forging weapons, armor, and tools of superior quality. The empire's armies are equipped with well-crafted weaponry and armor, providing them with a technological advantage in warfare.   Navigation and Seafaring: Tahnythian sailors have mastered the art of navigation and seafaring, enabling them to explore and trade with distant lands. They possess navigational instruments such as astrolabes and compasses, as well as sturdy seafaring vessels that allow for long-distance voyages and maritime commerce.   Textile Production: Tahnythians have developed advanced techniques in textile production, including spinning, weaving, and dyeing. Skilled artisans create intricate textiles using looms, natural dyes, and pattern-making methods, producing fabrics of high quality and aesthetic appeal.   Medicine and Healing Practices: Within the realm of medicine, Tahnyth has made significant strides in understanding herbal remedies, surgical techniques, and healing practices. Knowledgeable healers and physicians employ a variety of medicinal herbs, surgical tools, and rudimentary diagnostic methods to treat illnesses and injuries.

Common Etiquette rules

Formal Greetings: Polite and formal greetings are customary in Tahnyth. When meeting someone, a respectful nod or a handshake is appropriate. Addressing individuals with their proper titles or honorifics, especially when interacting with those of higher social standing, is expected. Respect for Authority: Tahnythian society places great importance on respect for authority figures. When in the presence of rulers, nobles, or esteemed individuals, showing deference through gestures, such as bowing or curtsying, is customary.   Table Manners: Table manners in Tahnyth emphasize proper etiquette and refinement. It is customary to sit up straight, use utensils appropriately, and engage in polite conversation. Avoiding loud or disruptive behavior during meals is considered respectful.   Gift-Giving: Gift-giving is a common practice in Tahnyth, often used to express gratitude or as a token of respect. Gifts are typically presented with both hands and received with appreciation. Thoughtfulness and selecting a gift appropriate to the recipient's interests or status are valued.   Dress Code: Tahnythians place importance on appropriate attire for different occasions. Formal events and gatherings may require more elaborate and refined clothing, while casual settings allow for more relaxed attire. Modesty and cleanliness in dress and personal appearance are generally expected.   Punctuality: Being punctual is considered a sign of respect for others' time in Tahnyth. Arriving on time for meetings, events, or appointments is customary, demonstrating consideration and reliability.   Listening and Polite Conversation: Active listening and engaging in polite conversation are valued social skills in Tahnyth. Allowing others to speak, showing interest in their perspectives, and avoiding interrupting are considered signs of respect and good manners.   Personal Space and Boundaries: Respecting personal space and boundaries is important in Tahnythian etiquette. Being mindful of physical proximity and not intruding on others' personal space without permission is customary.

Common Dress code

Formal Attire: Formal occasions in Tahnyth call for elegant and refined attire. Men often wear tunics or robes made of rich fabrics, adorned with intricate embroidery or decorative accents. Women don floor-length gowns or dresses with elaborate designs, accompanied by accessories such as jewelry and ornate headpieces. Military Uniforms: Given Tahnyth's militaristic nature, military uniforms play a significant role in the dress code. Soldiers are often seen wearing sturdy and well-tailored uniforms, displaying their rank and accomplishments through insignia, embellishments, or distinctive accessories.   Noble Fashion: The noble class in Tahnyth is known for their lavish and opulent attire. Nobles often wear garments crafted from the finest fabrics, featuring intricate patterns, intricate beadwork, or precious metal embellishments. They may also adorn themselves with luxurious accessories, including jewelry and ornate headdresses.   Everyday Attire: Everyday clothing in Tahnyth strikes a balance between functionality and style. Men typically wear tunics, trousers, and sturdy boots suitable for various tasks, while women opt for practical yet well-fitted dresses or skirts paired with comfortable footwear. Fabrics and designs may vary depending on the climate and region.   Colors and Symbols: Colors in Tahnythian attire often include deep hues, such as rich blues, purples, and earthy tones, reflecting the land's strong and regal nature. Symbols, emblems, or family crests may be incorporated into garments, especially for nobles, showcasing lineage and social status.   Modesty and Decency: Tahnythian culture values modesty and decency in attire. Revealing or overly provocative clothing is generally discouraged, particularly in formal or public settings. Dressing in a manner that is appropriate for the occasion and adheres to societal norms is considered respectful.   Adornment and Accessories: Accessories play a significant role in Tahnythian dress. Jewelry, including rings, bracelets, necklaces, and brooches, is often worn to complement and enhance the overall appearance. Headwear, such as veils, crowns, or ornate hats, may also be worn to denote social status or for ceremonial purposes.

Art & Architecture

Architecture: Tahnythian architecture showcases a blend of grandeur, practicality, and defensive design. Fortifications, citadels, and sturdy stone structures with thick walls are common, reflecting the empire's military focus and the need for protection. Architectural styles vary, influenced by the different regions and cultural influences within Tahnyth. Monuments and Triumphal Arches: Monuments and triumphal arches are erected to commemorate important events, military victories, or to honor revered leaders. These structures feature intricate carvings, reliefs, and inscriptions that celebrate the empire's achievements and serve as symbols of pride and unity.   Statuary and Sculpture: Statues and sculptures play a significant role in Tahnythian art. They depict heroic figures, renowned leaders, and mythological beings, showcasing the empire's reverence for martial prowess, valor, and historical legacy. Sculptures can be found in public squares, temples, and palaces.   Mosaics and Murals: Mosaic artistry and murals adorn many public and religious buildings in Tahnyth. Intricate patterns, vibrant colors, and meticulous craftsmanship are common features, depicting historical events, mythological scenes, and scenes of everyday life. These artistic expressions reflect the empire's cultural diversity and visual storytelling traditions.   Painting and Illuminated Manuscripts: Painting in Tahnyth encompasses a range of styles and themes, including portraiture, historical narratives, and landscapes. Illuminated manuscripts, showcasing intricate illustrations and decorative motifs, are also highly valued, preserving knowledge and literature while adding artistic beauty.   Warrior Art and Armor Decoration: Artistic expressions extend to the realm of armor and weaponry in Tahnyth. Intricate designs, engravings, and decorative elements adorn armor, shields, and weapons, reflecting the empire's appreciation for martial artistry and craftsmanship.   Decorative Arts and Crafts: Tahnythian artisans excel in various decorative arts and crafts. These include metalwork, jewelry-making, tapestries, weaving, and ceramics. Skilled craftsmen create intricate patterns, elaborate designs, and exquisite details, incorporating both practical and aesthetic elements into their creations.

Foods & Cuisine

Hearty and Sustaining: Tahnythian cuisine is known for its hearty and sustaining nature, providing nourishment for the empire's soldiers and citizens. It emphasizes filling and satisfying meals that offer energy and endurance. Grains and Legumes: Grains such as barley, wheat, and millet are staple foods in Tahnyth. They form the foundation of many dishes, including bread, porridge, and stews. Legumes, such as lentils and chickpeas, are also commonly used, providing protein and dietary fiber.   Meats and Game: Given Tahnyth's military culture, meats play a significant role in the cuisine. Lamb, pork, and beef are commonly consumed, often prepared as roasted, grilled, or stewed dishes. Game meats like venison and wild boar may also be enjoyed, reflecting the empire's hunting traditions.   Seasonings and Spices: Tahnythian cuisine incorporates a variety of herbs, spices, and seasonings to enhance flavor. Commonly used spices include cumin, coriander, pepper, and cloves. Herbs like thyme, rosemary, and parsley add freshness to dishes.   Vegetables and Fruits: Fresh vegetables and fruits feature prominently in Tahnythian cuisine. Root vegetables such as carrots, onions, and turnips are widely used, along with leafy greens like spinach and kale. Fruits such as apples, pears, and grapes provide natural sweetness and are sometimes used in savory dishes as well.   Dairy Products: Dairy products like cheese, yogurt, and butter are important components of Tahnythian cuisine. They add richness and depth to dishes, and may be used in sauces, spreads, or enjoyed on their own.   Breads and Pastries: Breads and pastries hold a special place in Tahnythian cuisine. Flatbreads, including pita and unleavened bread, are common. Pastries filled with meat, cheese, or sweet fillings are enjoyed as both main courses and desserts.   Preservation Techniques: Due to the empire's military campaigns, preservation techniques are employed to ensure food availability during long journeys. Curing, smoking, and drying are utilized to preserve meats, while pickling and fermentation are used for vegetables and fruits.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Feasts and Celebrations: Tahnythians place great importance on feasts and celebrations, which serve as occasions for communal gathering and merriment. These events feature abundant food, music, dance, and various forms of entertainment, fostering a sense of unity and shared joy. Ceremonial Rituals: Tahnythian society embraces ceremonial rituals to mark significant life events and cultural milestones. Births, coming of age, marriages, and funerals are occasions where elaborate rituals and customs are observed, symbolizing transitions and honoring traditions.   Military Parades and Displays: Given Tahnyth's militaristic culture, military parades and displays are common customs. These events showcase the empire's military prowess, allowing citizens to witness and celebrate the strength and discipline of the armed forces.   Honoring Ancestors: Tahnythians hold deep respect for their ancestors and maintain customs to honor them. Ancestral rituals, offering prayers, and visiting ancestral gravesites are common practices, ensuring that the wisdom and contributions of past generations are remembered and revered.   Gift-Giving and Hospitality: Gift-giving and hospitality are important customs in Tahnyth. Showing generosity and offering tokens of appreciation are ways to strengthen social bonds and express goodwill. Hosting guests with warm hospitality, providing food, and ensuring their comfort is considered a mark of respect.   Proverbs and Wisdom Sayings: Tahnythian culture values proverbs and wisdom sayings, which encapsulate cultural knowledge, life lessons, and moral guidance. These sayings are often shared in conversations, storytelling, and educational settings, promoting cultural wisdom and passing down collective knowledge.   Craftsmanship and Artisanal Skills: Tahnythians have a deep appreciation for craftsmanship and artisanal skills. Observing and preserving traditional crafts and passing down artisanal knowledge through apprenticeships are customs that uphold cultural heritage and ensure the continuation of artistic traditions.   Respect for Authority and Hierarchy: Tahnythian customs emphasize respect for authority and adherence to hierarchical structures. Showing deference to rulers, nobles, and elders is expected, as it upholds the stability and social order within the empire.     Harmony Festival: The Harmony Festival is a tradition in Tahnyth that celebrates unity, cultural diversity, and the pursuit of harmony within the empire. It takes place annually and involves vibrant festivities that showcase the traditions, music, dances, and cuisines of various ethnic groups in Tahnyth. The festival encourages cross-cultural interaction, fostering understanding and appreciation among different communities. Colorful parades, performances, and communal feasts are key features of this joyous celebration. Warrior's Day: Warrior's Day is a revered tradition in Tahnyth, dedicated to honoring the valor, sacrifice, and martial spirit of the empire's warriors. It commemorates historical battles and pays tribute to the heroic figures of Tahnyth's military history. On this day, military parades, mock battles, and exhibitions of martial skills take place, allowing citizens to witness the disciplined prowess of the armed forces. The day also includes solemn ceremonies and offerings at monuments and memorials, where gratitude is expressed for the protection and security provided by the warriors.   Harvest Gathering: The Harvest Gathering is an annual tradition that celebrates the bountiful harvest and the importance of agriculture in Tahnythian society. It is a time for communities to come together, express gratitude for the abundance of the land, and share in the joy of the harvest. Festivities include communal feasts featuring dishes made from freshly harvested produce, lively music and dancing, and competitions showcasing agricultural skills, such as crop displays and traditional farming techniques. The Harvest Gathering also serves as an opportunity to distribute surplus food to those in need, emphasizing the values of community and sharing.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Naming Ceremony: Shortly after a child's birth, a naming ceremony takes place where the child is officially given a name. Family members, close friends, and community elders gather to witness the event. The child's name is carefully chosen, often reflecting family traditions, cultural influences, or the hope for certain virtues to be embodied by the child. Blessings and Prayers: During the birth/baptismal rites, blessings and prayers are offered for the well-being, health, and future of the child. Community members, religious leaders, and family members join together to bestow their blessings, wishing the child a prosperous and meaningful life.   Symbolic Rituals: Symbolic rituals may be performed during the birth/baptismal rites to signify the child's entrance into the community. This can include the sprinkling of holy water, anointing with sacred oils, or the tying of symbolic threads or ribbons around the child's wrists or ankles, representing protection and good fortune.   Community Support: Birth/baptismal rites are seen as communal celebrations. The community comes together to support the child's family, offering assistance, guidance, and well-wishes. Family and friends may bring gifts or tokens of love to symbolize their support and involvement in the child's life.   Cultural Variations: Depending on regional customs and family traditions, there may be variations in the specific rituals and practices observed during birth/baptismal rites in different parts of Tahnyth. These variations add richness and diversity to the overall cultural tapestry of the empire.

Coming of Age Rites

Boys: Boys in Tahnyth typically participate in a coming of age rite known as the "Rite of Valor." This rite focuses on physical and mental challenges, emphasizing the development of courage, strength, and martial skills. Boys may undergo rigorous training, engage in mock battles or duels, demonstrate their proficiency with weapons, and prove their ability to protect and defend their community. The Rite of Valor instills a sense of responsibility, discipline, and readiness to fulfill their future roles as protectors and warriors. Girls: Girls in Tahnyth partake in a coming of age rite called the "Rite of Wisdom." This rite places importance on intellectual growth, emotional maturity, and the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for leadership, diplomacy, and nurturing roles. Girls may engage in studies, receive instruction in various subjects including history, arts, etiquette, and household management. They may also participate in cultural ceremonies and rituals, emphasizing their role as future caretakers, advisors, and preservers of tradition within their community.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Ceremonial Rituals: Funerary rituals in Tahnyth often involve a series of ceremonial practices to honor the deceased. These may include prayers, chants, or recitations led by religious figures or community elders. Symbolic offerings, such as flowers, incense, or objects of personal significance, may be presented as a tribute to the departed. Burial Traditions: Traditional burials are common in Tahnyth, with various customs surrounding the interment of the deceased. Burial sites, often located in designated areas or family plots, are prepared with care and respect. Family members and close friends may participate in the burial process, offering their final farewells and expressing their grief.   Mourning Period: Tahnythian culture observes a mourning period following the loss of a loved one. The duration and specific customs during this period may vary depending on personal preferences, regional traditions, or religious beliefs. During this time, individuals may wear mourning attire, refrain from participating in festivities, or engage in acts of remembrance and reflection.   Memorial Services: Memorial services are held to commemorate the lives of the departed. These gatherings bring together family, friends, and community members to share stories, memories, and pay tribute to the deceased. Eulogies, readings, or musical performances may be included to honor their legacy and celebrate their contributions.   Ancestral Remembrance: Tahnythians hold a strong reverence for their ancestors. Ancestral remembrance is practiced through visits to ancestral gravesites, offering prayers, and maintaining ancestral halls or shrines. These acts serve to keep the memory of departed loved ones alive and maintain a connection with their wisdom and guidance.   Cultural Variation: While there are commonalities in funerary and memorial customs, Tahnyth's diverse ethnic influences and regional variations may lead to different practices and rituals. These variations add richness and depth to the overall funerary customs within the empire.

Common Taboos

Disrespecting Authority: Tahnythian society places great emphasis on respect for authority figures, including rulers, nobles, and elders. Disrespectful behavior towards those in positions of power is considered a taboo, as it undermines the stability and social order within the empire. Betrayal and Treachery: Betrayal and treachery are strongly condemned in Tahnyth. Acts that involve deceit, betrayal of trust, or disloyalty towards one's community, family, or comrades are considered grave offenses. Honesty, loyalty, and trustworthiness are highly valued virtues.   Desecration of Ancestral Gravesites: Tahnythians hold deep reverence for their ancestors, and any form of desecration or disrespect towards ancestral gravesites is strictly forbidden. Such acts are seen as a violation of cultural heritage, family honor, and the spiritual connection with past generations.   Defiling Sacred Sites or Artifacts: Sacred sites, temples, and artifacts hold significant cultural and religious value in Tahnyth. Actions that defile or disrespect these revered places or objects are considered taboo. It is essential to show reverence and treat these sites and artifacts with utmost respect.   Violating Cultural Norms: Tahnythian culture has specific norms and customs that shape social behavior. Violating these cultural norms, such as inappropriate attire, offensive gestures, or disrespectful conduct during ceremonies, can be seen as taboo, as it disregards the shared values and customs of the empire.   Infringing upon Personal Boundaries: Respecting personal boundaries is important in Tahnythian society. Intruding upon someone's personal space, engaging in unwanted physical contact, or prying into personal matters without permission is considered taboo, as it violates the principle of personal autonomy and respect for individual privacy.   Taboos of Regional Significance: It is important to note that taboos may vary across different regions within Tahnyth due to cultural variations. Some specific regions or ethnic groups may have their own taboos and customs that are unique to their local traditions.

Common Myths and Legends

The Tale of Solara and the Dragon: According to this legend, Solara, a courageous warrior princess, embarks on a perilous quest to save her kingdom from a fearsome dragon that terrorizes the land. Through her bravery, wit, and the guidance of a wise sage, Solara defeats the dragon, restoring peace and becoming a symbol of heroism in Tahnyth. The Song of the Five Realms: This mythical tale tells the story of the creation of the five realms in Tahnyth. It describes how the gods crafted the mountains, rivers, forests, and seas, each with its unique qualities and guardians. The tale emphasizes the divine harmony that binds the realms together and underscores the importance of unity among Tahnyth's people.   The Legend of the Sacred Blade: This legend revolves around an ancient and powerful sword said to be bestowed upon a chosen hero by the gods. The legend speaks of the hero's journey to find the Sacred Blade, a weapon that possesses incredible strength and brings victory to its wielder. It symbolizes the triumph of righteousness over evil and the role of destined heroes in protecting Tahnyth.   The Enchanted Grove: According to this myth, deep within the heart of a mystical forest lies the Enchanted Grove, home to benevolent woodland spirits and guardian nymphs. The grove is said to bestow blessings of wisdom, fertility, and bountiful harvests upon those who prove themselves worthy through acts of kindness and respect for nature.   The Legend of the Moonstone Talisman: This tale tells of a precious talisman, known as the Moonstone, which is believed to hold mysterious powers and grant the wearer incredible abilities. It follows the journey of a young adventurer who must overcome daunting challenges and trials to retrieve the talisman, facing mythical creatures and solving riddles along the way.

Historical figures

King Azrakhan: King Azrakhan is a revered figure in Tahnyth's history. He played a pivotal role in reuniting the fractured duchies and establishing a unified empire through military expansion and diplomatic efforts. Known for his strategic brilliance, leadership, and vision, King Azrakhan's reign brought stability and prosperity to the empire. General Elysia Stormrider: General Elysia Stormrider is a legendary military commander who achieved numerous victories in defense of Tahnyth. Her tactical genius, unwavering courage, and deep loyalty to the empire earned her widespread admiration. Her leadership during decisive battles secured Tahnyth's borders and established her as a symbol of military prowess.   Archmage Valerius Celestis: Archmage Valerius Celestis was a renowned scholar and mage who played a crucial role in advancing magical knowledge and understanding in Tahnyth. His groundbreaking research, spellcraft, and contributions to magical education propelled the empire's magical capabilities to new heights. He is remembered as a visionary in the field of arcane arts.   Empress Marisena: Empress Marisena was a visionary ruler who ascended to the throne during a period of political upheaval. Her reign was characterized by progressive reforms, advancements in infrastructure, and cultural patronage. Empress Marisena's leadership fostered a golden age of arts, literature, and intellectual pursuits, leaving a lasting legacy of cultural enrichment.   Duchess Isolde Ironheart: Duchess Isolde Ironheart was a formidable military leader and noblewoman who commanded immense respect. Known for her unyielding loyalty, unmatched prowess in battle, and strategic brilliance, she defended Tahnyth's borders against external threats and ensured the empire's security during a crucial period of expansion.


Beauty Ideals

Physical Strength: In Tahnyth, a strong and well-toned physique is highly valued, particularly in both men and women. Muscularity and physical fitness are seen as signs of vitality, discipline, and capability. Both genders strive to maintain a robust and athletic appearance. Graceful Poise: Alongside physical strength, Tahnythian beauty ideals also emphasize a sense of graceful poise and elegance. This encompasses confident posture, fluid movements, and a regal bearing that conveys a sense of dignity and self-assuredness.   Radiant Health: Healthy and vibrant-looking skin, hair, and overall appearance are highly regarded in Tahnyth. Clear and glowing skin, lustrous hair, and bright, expressive eyes are considered indicators of well-being and vitality. Natural beauty is celebrated, and minimalistic grooming practices that enhance one's features are favored.   Distinctive Features: Tahnythian beauty ideals appreciate unique and striking features that set individuals apart. This can include characteristics such as high cheekbones, expressive eyebrows, strong jawlines, and piercing eyes. These distinct features contribute to an individual's appeal and are seen as sources of attractiveness.   Grooming and Presentation: Attention to grooming and personal presentation is a notable aspect of beauty ideals in Tahnyth. Neat and well-maintained hair, tasteful clothing, and minimal but intentional use of cosmetics are valued. Emphasis is placed on looking polished and put together, reflecting the importance of self-discipline and presenting oneself with pride.

Gender Ideals

Men: Men in Tahnyth are expected to demonstrate physical strength, courage, and martial prowess. They are encouraged to excel in military training, displaying bravery and honor in battle. Traits such as leadership, assertiveness, and protectiveness are highly valued in men. They are also expected to exhibit chivalry and respect towards women. Women: Women in Tahnyth are admired for their grace, beauty, and inner strength. While they may not participate directly in military service, they are often seen as the backbone of Tahnythian society. Traditional feminine qualities such as nurturing, loyalty, and diplomacy are highly esteemed. Women may also hold influential positions within noble households, providing counsel and support to their male counterparts.   Gender Roles: Tahnyth adheres to more traditional gender roles, with men typically engaged in military and administrative pursuits, while women are primarily responsible for managing the household, raising children, and maintaining social harmony. However, exceptions exist, particularly among noble women who may wield significant influence and engage in diplomatic affairs.   Complementary Partnership: Gender ideals in Tahnyth emphasize a complementary partnership between men and women. The society values the mutual support and collaboration between genders, recognizing the unique strengths and contributions each brings to the community.

Courtship Ideals

Formality and Respect: Courtship in Tahnyth tends to be formal and respectful, with a focus on demonstrating honor and integrity. Individuals are expected to approach courtship with a sincere intention and genuine interest in getting to know their potential partner. Parental Involvement: Parents or guardians often play a significant role in courtship within Tahnythian society. Their approval and guidance are sought and valued, as they consider the suitability and compatibility of the potential match based on social standing, reputation, and family background.   Social Gatherings and Events: Social gatherings and events, such as feasts, festivals, or tournaments, provide opportunities for individuals to meet and interact. These events serve as a platform for courtship, allowing individuals to engage in conversation, display their skills or talents, and forge connections in a supervised yet social setting.   Chaperoned Interactions: Courtship interactions in Tahnyth often involve chaperones, particularly in the early stages. The presence of a trusted family member or respected individual ensures propriety and maintains a respectful environment during courtship meetings.   Mutual Compatibility: While considerations of social standing and family reputation are important, Tahnythian courtship ideals also value mutual compatibility, emotional connection, and shared values. It is essential for individuals to establish a strong foundation of trust, understanding, and shared aspirations before formalizing a commitment.   Patience and Deliberation: Tahnythian courtship emphasizes patience and a deliberate approach. Rushing into relationships is generally frowned upon, as individuals are encouraged to take the time to truly understand and assess the suitability of their potential partner before making a lifelong commitment.

Major organizations

The Royal Council: The Royal Council is a key organization that advises the monarch on matters of governance, legislation, and policy-making. Comprising trusted advisors, nobles, and experts from various fields, the council ensures effective administration and provides guidance on important decisions that shape the empire. Order of the Silver Lions: The Order of the Silver Lions is an esteemed knighthood order dedicated to upholding chivalry, honor, and the protection of the realm. Its members, renowned for their martial prowess and unwavering loyalty, serve as elite warriors, safeguarding Tahnyth's borders, defending its territories, and combating threats to the empire.   Arcane Academy of Celestis: The Arcane Academy of Celestis is a prestigious magical institution that provides education, training, and research opportunities for aspiring mages and scholars. It is renowned for its rigorous curriculum, esteemed faculty, and contributions to magical knowledge and practices within Tahnyth.   Merchant Guild: The Merchant Guild is a powerful organization that oversees and regulates trade and commerce within Tahnyth. Merchants and traders from various regions and cities come together under the guild's umbrella, promoting economic growth, setting trade regulations, and safeguarding the interests of its members.   Cultural Society of the Arts: The Cultural Society of the Arts is a prominent organization that nurtures and promotes artistic and cultural endeavors throughout Tahnyth. It supports artists, musicians, writers, and performers, organizing exhibitions, concerts, and literary events to showcase the empire's creative talents and preserve its cultural heritage.   Protectors of the Sacred Grove: The Protectors of the Sacred Grove are a revered group of guardians dedicated to preserving and safeguarding the mystical forest groves and their inhabitants within Tahnyth. They uphold the balance between nature and civilization, ensuring the groves remain untouched by harm and serving as mediators between humans and the forest spirits.