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Glecia BLoodfall


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It is said that long ago a great catastrophe rocked the very foundation of reality itself. Our gods, in their infinite wisdom, foresaw the impending doom; and made preparations. They struck a deal with a frost giant known as Ymir. The first of our people, the Ulther, were gathered inside the frost giant. And with their infinite knowledge, took with them the first seed. With preparations complete they departed into the infinite expanse, drifting alone in the cosmic sea until the chaos died down. Eventually, within this eternal void, two realms were found. Muspell, realm of primordial flame; and Niflheim, realm of eternal frost.   The flame of Muspell caused Ymir to sweat, and birthed forward from his sweat, were the first of the frost giants. Ymir and the frost giants turned on the people, but the foresaw this betrayal, and the steam birthed from the union of fire and ice nourished the first seed. The first seed sprouted and birthed the cosmic tree, Yggdrasil The exponential growth of the cosmic tree shattered Ymir, killing him instantly. The frost giants retreated by climbing into a hollow within Yggdrasil.   The first of our gods then carried Ymir to the middle of Ginnungagap, the great void, and made the world from him. From his blood they made the sea and the lakes; from his flesh the earth; from his hair the trees; and from his bones the mountains. They made rocks and pebbles from his teeth and jaws and those bones that were broken.   From Ymir's skull the gods made the sky and set it over the earth with its four sides. Under each corner they put a dwarf, whose names are East, West, North, and South. The first flung Ymir's brains into the air, and they became the clouds.   Then they took the sparks and burning embers that were flying about after they had been blown out of Muspell, and placed them in the midst of Ginnungagap to give light to heaven above and earth beneath. To the stars they gave appointed places and paths. The earth was surrounded by a deep sea. Odin gave lands near the sea to the families of giants for their settlements. The gods left us this world, Midgard they called it, and constructed the rest of the nine realms; taking Asgard as their home.     Now, generations later, this story has transcended into myth and legend to the people of Glecia. Born to the harsh environment every day is a struggle for survival. The people war amongst one another, nature tests our ability to survive, and an endless hoard of monsters roam the world; seeking the death of people.   We are a hearty people. We are explorers, traders, warriors, raiders, conquerors: We are Vikings. We honor our gods through bloodshed and sacrifice, we hone our skills in the heat of battle. Everyday is a test against our edge, a test of survival. We will have glory. We will ascend to Valhalla.   Welcome to Glecia: Will You Survive?

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