The Watcher in the Dark

For knowledge I seek, for power I yearn, In shadow and silence, my lanterns burn. Take my offering, my flesh, my fear, In your darkness, let my path be clear.
  The Watcher in the Dark is an ancient, eldritch entity that exists primarily in the shadows throughout gloomspire, a being of mystery and dread. It does not possess a physical body in the traditional sense, But it believe to always be watching the world and the people in it. Some say the watcher is allied with the voidbringer and together they will help the world be bought into a new era, Others believe the watcher is completely seperate from the voidbringer and instead it only wants to consume the knowlage of the world and in exchange will offer forbidden knowlage to those that help it.  

Cults of the Watcher

Throughout gloomspire cults have formed that worship the watcherin the dark, Many of the cults share the same beliefs one of which is that they seek knowlage and truth above all else and believe the watcher is a guide to that knowlage that they seek. But that knowlage comes at a cost and often members of the cult will offer up limbs and blood in exchange for the forbidden knowlage that they seek. Many of the cults members go insane because of the pursuit of this forbidden knowlage. It is not uncommon for a cult to be completely wiped out by a member in a state of maddness  


The Watcher communicates through soft, echoing whispers that can instill fear or compel individuals to seek knowledge at any cost. Its voice can seep into dreams, making sleep a source of terror. Often the whispers is of those whos love ones have passed away, either it be family members, Spouses or even a mentor, Often they tell the person to seek knowledge but also have been known to tell them to keep away from it as well. For those that are unable to understand the whispers at all, This leads them down a path of insanity and often death where the constant whispers make them unable to sleep or function in society and most are sent away to asylums to be cared for before death claims them.


The watcher is driven only by the pursuit of understanding humanity and those living in it. It does not care about indiviuals but whole groups of species who it feels will give it the knowlage it wants. Some believe it was the watcher that allowed for evolution to happen on gloomspire. Cults believe that maddess brings joy to the watcher in the dark.

Encounters with the watcher of the night

There are few first hand accounts of people making contact with the watcher, Those that did are said to forever be changed by the experience and driven mad from the knowlage they gained first hand from the watcher. Almost all encounters talk about facing their worst fears and in the end reuniting with love ones briefly before being sent back to the world with their mind broken from the encounter, all recount how cold it felt and how there was no light at all only endless shadows around them and how they began to question their sanity all together.