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The Wardens of the Realms

The Wardens of the Realms are lord or ladies who take the responsibility to govern the realm they live in. Each realm has one warden at a time and he or she must be able to govern the realm well enough in the eyes of the houses of the realm.


The candidate must at least reach a high level of education.


The candidate should be apart of a renowned family with respect by the people.


The title is passed along the head lord or lady of the ruling house of the capital city of a realm. However, the King of All Realms have the authority to appoint the Warden.


The Warden have the duty to: -Do what he or she judges right, and to make sure his or her decision benefits the majority of realm -Stop rebellions against the Crown -Call for the Bannerman when the King requires help -Try to retain peace for the realm (peace for most of the time)


The Warden have responsibility to: -Try to prevent the destruction of a house under his or her realm -Serve justice when needed -Take care of the realm's economics (spend the realm's money wisely) -Distribute food to all cities in the realm *If these responsibility is not met by the Warden or abused his or her power, the Warden can be dismissed, banished into exile, or even sentenced to death (depends on what the Warden did)


The Warden may be the most respected person in the whole realm. He or she will not live in poverty.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Warden does not need to wear any special garments or jewels. He or she must wear a golden pin with the first letter of their realm. For example, the Warden of the Northern Realm will wear a pin with the letter "N" on it.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The Warden can be dismissed under these cases: -The King remove the title of Warden -All ruling houses of the cities of a realm call a council to dismiss the Warden, and 3/4 of the houses agree
Form of Address
Lord or Lady
Alternative Naming
The Lord or Lady of The .... Realm
Equates to
There are not equivalent ranks for the Warden of the Realms.
Source of Authority
The Warden is authoritized by the people of the realm, as the Wardenis to govern for the good of the realm.
Length of Term
The term usually begins at the age of 25, when his or her parents feel their heir is ready to be the Warden. The term ends when they die an early death, resign his or her position, or the King name someone else as the Warden.

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