Cacophonic Thinking

Cacophonic Thinking — AKA Non-Linear Omni-Harmonics — is a field of study / metaphysical thought experiement believed to have wide-ranging theoretical implications upon the Song of Creation, without significant practical expressions. The basic theory posits that, given Cacophony is a timeless, spaceless, matterless realm, that spellcraft enacted upon there can be thought to have always have been enacted, or potentially enacted upon Harmony at any point during its history — past, present, or future. Though the possibilities of this are endless, the most obvious and common interpretation is one of Plane Shifting: were one able to successfully Shift to Cacophony, they could theoretically Shift back to Harmony at another point in its history, including before the original spell was cast to Shift there in the first place. The paradoxical nature of this thinking, alongside no known actual application of it, contribute to the belief that Cacophonic Thinking is impossible. It is also cosidered highly heretical by the Church of Eighteen Eyes.   Throughout the history of Glüm several groups have attempted to study Cacophonic Thinking, and even to perform it, though none such have been recorded as being successful. Many scholars believe that, even if it were possible, the sheer scope of information needed to make an informed Shift — to arrive at the right place, at the right time, and without destroying oneself — makes it functionally impossible to survive the process. Some suggest that a monoardis — a "static" point in space, such as the Cathedral of the Compass Rose in Urra's Rest — may provide the necessary locational "target" for such a journey, and perhaps a magically "loud" event, such as the Disjunction, may provide a stable-enough time. Even if both of these were supplied, no scholar has managed to account for the sheer personal power required to perform such a deed.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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