Mother Make Me

Mother Make Me — also known as King Glim — is a God recognised by the Church of Eighteen Eyes, believed to rule over the domains of Ambition, Confidence, Family, and Passion. Mother Make Me is a goading God, who pushes Their followers to the utter heights of ambition and success, gilding the world in gold and jewels. They are said to see the world in selfish terms, viewing individual mortals as members of Their own family — and, indeed, is known to sire more demi-gods upon Glüm than any other deity. Endless are the tales of how to fall into the Mother's good graces, but so far nothing has been found to be a sure bet.   Mother Make Me is a favoured deity of dynasties, home makers, merchants, and the rising middle class, though They are invoked by all who would see their fortunes rise, and their families inspired.  

Divine Portfolio

  • Edicts family comes first, protect your own at all costs, chaos is a ladder
  • Anathema betray a blood oath, accept what is fair rather than favourable
  • Divine Font harm or heal
  • Divine Skill Diplomacy
  • Favoured Weapon axes
  • Domains ambition, confidence, family, passion
  • Cleric Spells 1st: fleet step, 3rd: enthrall, 5th: prying eye
Per pale urdy Azure and Tenné, three crowns Or in pale
Divine Classification

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