
The Noraddem (sing. Noraddem) are a ethnic group native to the Eastern Shores of Syvat — AKA the Noraddim demonym Tax-Xatt 'the shore' — who are a fully integrated into the Vekhen Empire, yet who remain culturally distinct from the Kaharota. The Noraddem do not overindex with any particular species, though they have among them significantly more small minorities of naturalised migrant species from beyond the Furthest Shore.   Like the rest of the Imperial cultures, the Noraddem on the whole follow the Church of Eighteen Eyes, though they tend to have a more "personal" relationship to the Gods, often holding familial patron Saints or even entire Aspects of the Gods. Additionally, the Noraddem are the least outwardly pious of the larger Imperial cultures, with the Gods acting as the chief amongst honoured ancestors, as opposed to omnipotent and irreproachable beings. This has led to many viewing the Noraddem as godless sinners, a stance that these deeply spiritual people reject (and one likely to result in acts of revenge). The Noraddem are stereotypically loyal, carefree, honest, and passionate, as well as vengeful, hot-tempered, quarrelsome, and paranoid.


Common Dress code

Noraddem dress is typically loose-fitting, made from cotton or linen, as their homelands are warm and windswept. The Noraddem highly prize complex geometric and floral patterns in their textiles, and are famed loom-weavers. Gender neutral skirts, ribbons, and sashes are extremely common, as are wide-bottomed yet cinched pants. Feminine styles are traditionally barechested, whilst men traditionally wear shirts or waistcoats, though these styles are only favoured in warmer areas. In colder climates, Noraddem typically adhere to local fashions, though adorn their clothing with colour and ribbons still.
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