Old Lady Loom

Old Lady Loom — also known as He Who Has Seen, Candlekeeper, and She Who Chills the Blade — is a God recognised by the Church of Eighteen Eyes, believed to rule over the domains of Creation, Death, Fate, and Knowledge. Old Lady Loom is a patient, precise God, who views the world like an old crone: They have seen much, know much more than they have seen, and understand that all things end sooner than one would like. Old Lady Loom is a largely uncaring God, one who merely does Their job in holding together the record of the Song of Creation on their endless tapestry.   Old Lady Loom is a favoured deity of new parents, the elderly, those concerned with legacy, and craftsmen — particularly weavers, smiths, and architects. Old Lady Loom is said to be the only God on Glüm who has received a prayer from every person who has ever lived, for one's last breath cannot be used for anything else...  

Divine Portfolio

  • Edicts save that which does not need to die, kill that which should have died long ago, make things to last
  • Anathema cut short lives without good reason, waste that which is finite
  • Divine Font heal
  • Divine Skill Crafting
  • Favoured Weapon spears
  • Domains creation, death, fate, knowledge
  • Cleric Spells 1st: mindlink, 2nd: invisibility, 4th: creation
Sable semy of chains Azure, a wheel Argent
Divine Classification


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