Slyron, Goddess of fire and destruction

Ruthless goddess of natural disasters, Slyron is the single greatest bane of all mortal races. While other gods can be reasoned with and rarely interact with the feeble creatures on the ground, she is an unhinged violent deity. Standing in her vicinity is enough to melt people, and her sudden appearances scar the landscape for decades. When someone displeases her in some way, or even for a mood swing, she can move the magma veins underneath and destroy whole city with an impromptu volcanic eruption.


Relationship with other gods




To her, Eleas is an insufferable prick, always bragging about his powers and might and abs. But worst of all, he is often the one who has to intervene to calm her rage outburst when the cinder clouds of an eruption threaten to darken the sky for weeks. She cannot do anything against him however, so the stay on rather hostile terms.



They are on amicable terms with Ourea, as they more or less share the same domain. As savage as she is, Slyron always asks permission before extending her presence through molten stone, chipping away bits of the earth goddess' domain. It is hard for the fiery incarnation to decipher what the other goddess thinks, as her stone face is always unchanged, no matter how upset she can get.



As their domains are mutually exclusive, both gods are very hostile against each others, if not to say at war. On a regular basis, Slyron tries to elevate volcans from below the ocean floor, in hope to reduce the ocean one bit at a time, or at least to land a blow on her rival. In response, the water god often drowns whole islands over a moho.

Cover image: Four pantheons by Rumengol with MidJourney and Canva


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