Footwizard / Footmage

A mage or spellcaster who travels around looking for work. Usually does not have a place to call home.

They make a living by competely small tasks that don't require a ton of skill to complete but even though the skill requirements for such tasks are low, not everyone has the ability to use magic and thus Footwizards are able to sqeeze out a living with these smaller tasks. Due to the nature of the profession it is not unusually for one such mage to travel from place to place assisting as needed and then when no more assistance can be rendered, venture to the next town looking for more work in order to keep their bellies full.

Footwizard, Player Background Choice

all the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfo

Skill Proficiencies religion, persuastion
Languages Orcish, Goblin, Common
  • all the finfo
  • all the finfo
  • all the finfo
  • all the finfo
  • all the finfo
  • all the finfo
Lifestyle common


Choose one of th following

choice one

all the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfoall the finfo

Choice two



And caster who can assist in day to day tasks can become a footwizard. No articles or certificites are needed. Some countires may require a lience to do business and taxes to be paid but most see their trasaction far too small to be worth the paperwork.

Career Progression

Footwizards like many other mage profession can really go anywhere professionally speaking. Most in their travels find a town to settle in and call home and find a profession there to do, such as a blacksmith's assitance as they can regulate the fires and keep the place clean with far greater ease then manual labor.

Payment & Reimbursement

Footwizards are ually paid in coin but locals may pay with a food in the belly or a roof over their head.

Other Benefits

Footwizards who do good work in a region may gain some recognition and sometimes consistent work from neighboring towns as assistance with the seasons harvets, caring for the livestock, or the matainece of building is something always needed and always cheaper to maintain with magic.



They assist with a lot of day to day work such as magically heating water to save firewood. Finding lost animals that would cost far more to replace then pay to be found.

Social Status

Many people of status frown upon them as they are usually low-skilled mages and really only assist in minor ways for the everyday folk.
The 'lower' folk tend to hail them with higher regard due to their assistance but also with a bit of suspicion as some mages are accused of overcharging for their work or causing the problem to begin with in order to earn a coin.


Has nearly always been around and is seen as one of, if not the oldest magically profession.


Provided Services

Finding Lost animals
Mending breaks in equipment
Heat fireplaces, water, ect.
Control heat if a forge or ovens
Light mines or houses without the heat from torches
and other simple tasks.

Alternative Names
Traveling Mage, Caster of the night
There is a relativity low demand for Footwizards and they are normally low skilled mages who assist in small villages and towns.


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