Archons of Salijarna

It is both a sad and ironic position in which we find ourselves. They believe the weight of the Empire overbearing and oppressive. They believe our goal is to crush their will and spirit. In their narrow little minds the unwashed masses do not - cannot - possibly fathom the dangers we face nor the depths of our sacrifice to keep them safe. Were the Order to fail in our tasking, true horrors would be revealed. We must be strong. We must be courageous. We must carry on, even when the entirety of the world seems aligned against us.
— Knight Fathi, Archon of Horamy Province


According to some of the oldest historical records remaining today, Overseer Tuloni I named the first Archons of the Order of Salijarna within the first five decades of his reign nearly 1,000 years ago. Their role and purpose was described as high-ranking officials empowered by the crown to provide administrative oversight regarding all "matters of interest" to the Order within a limited geographic area. Over the years that geographic has translated to the modern province.  

Archons in the Second Age

Under the three Kingdoms encompassing the New Empire, there are twelve named Archons. Much as they were originally (and due in no small part to the Order's secretive nature) these twelve are still to this day steeped in mystique and mystery. They are largely feared by the populous and seen as powerful movers and shakers to be avoided at best, and obeyed at worst.

Religious, Special
Form of Address
Your Grace
Source of Authority
The Emperor of Al'jymoor
Length of Term
For life
Reports directly to
Grand Archon
Related Organizations
Order of Salijarna

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About the Role


An Archon may be chosen from any of the three branches of the Order; The Seers, The Soldiers, or The Stewards. Though in practice Seers have historically dominated the role. Regardless of Branch of service, the candidate must have served the Order for a minimum of ten years, with at least 4 of those as a Temple Superior. They should be recognized experts in their particular field of study, providing significant contributions to the greater good.  


Historically it was unthinkable the role of Archon would ever be accessible to other myndikin, such as humans or dwarves. But times are changing and the resources of the Empire are dwindling. While such things have never happened in the history of the realm, who knows what the future may bring. Archons may be of male or female persuasion.

Duties & Responsibilities

The Archon is a provincial leader of the Salijarna whose duties involve overseeing the operations of all Temples under their purview. Their daily life and schedule is largely beyond their own control. They spend an average of 80% of their time on the road, traveling from one Temple to next as needs demand. While at the Temples, they monitor the morale and sanity of the Order's members, arbitrate internal conflicts, check the status of funds and readiness of equipment, collect news, and write and dispatch orders.  

Accouterments & Equipment

In addition to the standard, ornate, and layered robes worn by the order, Archons are granted a special white head covering. It is a symbol meant to reflect clarity of purpose and their commitment to the ultimate goals of the Order. Archons have full authority over the resources of the Order within their particular province.



When an Archon needs to be selected, the Grand Archon convenes a provincial conclave. The Superior of each Temple in the region must attend, or send a delegate to participate in the gathering.

The Conclave

During the first phase of Conclave, the Grand Archon invites interested Superiors to step forth and present their case to the assembled for whom they wish to nominate for the role, and why they believe this individual would best serve the province, the Order, and the Empire as the new Archon. These nominations much be confirmed by two existing Archons. It is important to note that a Superior may not nominate themselves, a rule some have tried to skirt by having their delegate nominate them. While these nominations were permitted to stand, same-Temple nominees have never successfully garnered the necessary support to attain the role. Once all parties have presented their candidates, the Grand Archon selects the three they believe best represent the current and future needs of the Order in this specific province. The Superiors then cast their votes, with the new Archon selected by simple majority.  

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

  Dismissal from the role of Archon can come by one of several ways:
  1. A request to step down.
  2. Inability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the position.
  3. A call to step down (brought by at least two Archons).
  4. At the discretion of the Grand Archon.

Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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Aug 21, 2024 03:11 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

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