Barulgaana: Stone Singing (bă-rool-gă-nă)

To you, they may just sound like pretty words and perhaps a haunting melody, but to us... to us the barulgaana is an outpouring of the thing that has filled our hearts so greatly we have room for nothing more. Barulgaana purges our hearts that we may be an empty vessel, ready to be filled with all that life has to offer.
— a mahnkii singer


It had been several decades since the reptilian mahnkii peoples' capture and occupation of the northernmost dwarven mountainhold of Kurzniert in the Stormbreak mountains. The mahnkii had always been known for their deep interest in the arts, and in the depths of those emerald-lit caverns they developed a new and beautiful means of artistic expression known as barulgaana, or stone singing.  



The Kurzniert mountainhold in the Stormbreak Mountains is the first place the mahnkii peoples have ever called home (much to the dismay of the dwarves from whom it was taken). Thus far, they have not had the opportunity to explore whether and how other cave systems across the realm might evoke similar emotional responses.


Barulgaana is typically a deeply personal experience, not truly requiring anyone or anything other than an empty cave system to perform. As such, singers are free to observe the practice whenever the mood strikes them (though it is wise and often appreciated to ensure one is far enough away from anyone trying to sleep).

Dress Code
None, though often singers will dress up.
Participants/Roles (1+)
The individual(s) singing
Related Location
Stormbreak Mountains
Related Species

Ironsworn Stats
When you, as a mahnkii, Secure an Advantage (+heart) through the performance of barulgaana in the Stormbreak Mountains add +1. On a hit, add +1 Momentum.

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Generic article | Jul 31, 2024


In pouring out one's heart and emotion into song through the barulgaana, the very mountain itself seems to come alive, echoing and reflecting the words back to the singer in a haunting chorus of stone. Often, singers report a deep and powerful feeling of tranquility; that they are not alone in whatever it is that has filled their heart to its fullness. If they sing of anger and loss, the mountain reflects sorrow and consolation. Joy, and the mountain echoes celebration. Fear, and the mountain echoes courage. Loneliness, and the mountain echoes companionship and unity.  


The custom of barulgaana is simple in its expression, though powerful in its impact to the performer. It is a deeply personal experience which has little in the way of formality in how it should be expressed. First, the performer chooses a time and place where they wish to perform. There are many well-known locations around Kurzniert where the custom is performed, but these are not the only caverns. It is not unusual for a performer to seek out a place that feels right.   With the location selected, the performer next determines what they wish to wear for their performance. For some, this means whatever they happen to have on when the mood strikes them. But for others, there is an entire process devoted to finding the perfect outfit in which to perform.   With these two selections made, the singer is free to don their clothing of choice, proceed to their location of choice, and pour their deepest emotions into song.

Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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Aug 7, 2024 23:01 by Deleyna Marr

Beautiful. I love the different ways the stone reflects back the emotions.

Aug 8, 2024 10:58

Thanks so much for dropping by Deleyna. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Now playing: Mystember. Coming Soon: The Longest Journey.   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
Aug 16, 2024 15:15 by Aldus Ken

Oh, it's definitely time to go and perform in other cave systems out there. Who knows, Final Fantasy 9's Ice Cavern might sound totally different from the Kurzniert mountainhold ^^   I'm tempted to try such a performance myself next time I visit such a cave system... Have you?

Read more about the Alvunne Saga. And find me at Summer Camp 2024 ^^
 Oh and I stream every Thursday on Twitch!