Dromiadym: Shield of the Sleeping Mind (drō-mē-ô-dĕm)

Dwarven Intra-House Communique   Vlasolv -   Per your request, I have compiled an initial collection of knowledge surrounding the Imperial dromiadyms. There are still many gaps in the available information, which experience tells us there is almost certainly much more to the story than the elves would have outsiders know. Admittedly I am hesitant to press further, as the last group I hired to obtain these items from crypts of the deceased disappeared without a trace.  
— Yaro


Like most things within the Empire, the how's and why's of discoveries - especially magical ones - are closely guarded secrets. The dromiadym are no exception. We know that initially, dromiadym were available only to Soldiers from the Order of Salijarna, leading us to believe the items are somehow tied to their goals. Previous thinking was based on thousand-year old sculptures and wall paintings from the Imperial court which, around Year 58 of the First Age, began to depict elven nobility wearing adornments with gems set above the forehead. (It is unclear whether these were actual dromiadym).   However, one of our younger researchers recently identified an earlier image of Overseer Tuloni I depicting him wearing a gemstone affixed to his nemes headdress. While we have no way of knowing for certain, given the Overseer's penchant for the arcane and the tendency of his court sycophants to emulate his every act, we now suspect the dromiadyms are much older.

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    About the Dromiadym



    The items in and of themselves are not complex. They are simply enchanted gems, typically set into a diadem, coronet, headband, or crown.  


    Stewards from the Order of Salijarna identify or purchase high quality gemstones for use as dromiadym. It is unclear whether only specific types of gemstones may be used, but through study of Imperial nobility it does not seem to have a noticeable impact. Some of my fellow researchers have posited perhaps different gemstones have different effects, but that is purely speculation. The stones themselves are expertly shaped, smoothed, and polished before being enchanted. Our hope is to obtain a few of the items such that we might further study any runes or markings.


    What is more interesting is their functionality. It is generally believed the gems help protect the mind from the effects and influence of magic. While indeed helpful, we question whether this single use would warrant the level of secrecy with which the items are afforded. It also would not explain why Soldiers of the Order of Salijarna would be the first chosen few to receive them.   No. We suspect there is another, more significant purpose behind these items. Some have speculated they provide a covert means of communication between the wearers, but that hypothesis would not explain the need for the later development of the Imperial rysbecht stations. There are some who have gone so far to suggest the devices can be used as a form of control over the wearers. What a terrifying thought that the Overseer would abuse his power in such a way. That said, history tells us it would not be entirely out of character.


    We have confirmation from one group of intrepid adventurers that the gemstones are always "on." That is, they appear to operate passively while worn, constantly thrumming with small amounts of mystical energy. The headpiece seems to channel that energy inward, toward the head of the wearer.

    Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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