Habri Qalekkt

For every man you have put to the sword, I have put a dozen to the pen. I find my weapon far more effective with far less cleanup. *I*, and I alone, shall be the author of our adversary's downfall.
— Habri Qalekkt

Key Points

  • Selfish, argumentative elven Archduke
  • Well-known, connected and respected among dwarves, pirates, spies, and assassins
  • Patient, organized veteran strategist
  • Exceptional singing voice

  • From the Memoirs of Habri

    I see you, your glares and glances casting unspoken disparaging remarks at my privileged life. And yet, do you truly know who I am or how I came to this moment, this place, this station? No. I think not. Let me tell you.  

    Childhood & Adolescence

    While I was fathered from noble loins, noble blood was the only thing my birth father ever gave me. Good riddance. I was orphaned at birth when my mother, who was no one of consequence, gave me away to a small family. My adopted father was a decent man, working hard as a jeweler to keep oil in the lanterns and food on the table.   As soon as I was old enough, I took it upon myself to hit the streets each day, committing not to return home until I earned enough to pay for my own food. I earned money using one of the few natural talents with which I was born - I sang for donations. I learned many hard lessons - took many beatings - in those days, but it forged within me an unbreakable spirit of iron that will serve me for all my days.  

    The Way of the Dwarves

    It was on those streets I met a dwarven woman of the Great House of Nazarov who would ultimately change the course of my life. Through her, my eyes were opened to an entirely new world, where I learned to channel my inner rage and rebellious nature to more… lucrative… ends, fulfilling blood contracts for the underworld. In some ways my efficiency and success at such endeavors proved to be a surprise even to me. We never know what we’re truly capable of until we push beyond the boundaries of our own design, founded upon the expectations of the world around us.   My reputation within the underworld exploded, bringing with it everything I could ever want. But success has a dark side. Mine came with enemies, jealous to make a name for themselves at my expense. Here was probably the first time I realized when the weight of one’s reputation is brought to bare with the written word and the right connections, you can achieve… well let’s just say there’s little you can’t achieve.   In one memorable attempt on my life, an assassin burned down my family's home, and the surrounding district with it. Obviously, she failed and in doing so lost her own life in a brutal reprisal only befitting dwarven justice. My parents lost everything, but my contacts arranged to see them restored tenfold, for a price…   My father’s reestablished business, suddenly enjoying a windfall of new clients, was co-opted by the dwarves for laundering stolen goods and to establish private rooms to conduct ”House business.” To my surprise, he was more than happy to be under their protection and enjoy both the reputation and lifestyle it afforded he and my mother.  

    The Great War

    When tales of the kynekin rebellion's growing threat to the empire reached my ears, I gladly threw my skills to the fight. But I was young, without training, and clearly did not fit the mold my elven superiors desired (when have I ever?). Thus they assigned me to support a dwarven heavy cavalry division.   Horses? Certainly not my forte... But in the service of the Empire, I obeyed. For if I am anything it is first and foremost a loyal servant of my Emperor. I cannot help but wonder if they held disdain for my camaraderie with dwarves. Regardless, their assignment served to strengthen a bond that had still not fully blossomed, though it was planted in fertile soil and well tended. And so, while the dwarves tended their war bears, I learned of horses. I devoted myself to their care and training, to understand the concepts of dwarven riders and to apply those same to my horse.   Unlike my elven superiors, the Great Houses of the dwarves saw something more in me. But let me be clear I do not fault my fellow elves. To them, I imagine I was but a faceless name; a number to try and tip the balance against the kynekin threat. The dwarves moved me to a unit of specialists devoted to reconnaissance. They felt my peculiar and unique ability to sense the flow of magic particularly interesting in tracking down groups of kynekin mages. From these staunch defenders of the Empire I took the black-and-white mindset of dwarven scouts.   So pleased was the Empire with the results of my dwarven compatriots, they promoted me to be a low level officer in the war. In response, my dwarven allies moved me to an even more elite unit of spies and saboteurs. From these morally fluid masters of deceit, I formed bonds that can never be broken; by decree, by time, by order, or by blood. I learned of a brotherhood that transcends race, and culture, and creed. I learned what "family" truly means.  

    The Second Age

    After the war, amidst the chaos of this thing called the "New Empire," I could not find it in my heart to settle. So I joined the independent crews of the open ocean (more commonly referred to as pirates). In those days I learned the ways of the sea and the secrets of those who call it their home. I eventually captained my own ship, the Rotij, and held a loyal crew, expanding my network of unsavory confidants and trusted agents, many of whom I keep close to this day.   When this particular malaise had run its course, I returned to my homeland of Shavomyr, where I drew the attention of a particularly wealthy elder of my kind. Against her family's wishes we were bound and lived together happily for many years. Much to my dismay though, it was not to be "forever after." It would seem my past had other designs.   Once again, those with the intent to make a name for themselves at my expense made an attempt on my life. And once again they were unsuccessful. That is, they failed at taking my life, and made the fatal mistake of murdering my beloved in the process. I spent every penny I had and exhausted every connection until I located and exacted my wrath upon anyone and everyone who had even the slightest knowledge of the endeavor. And still my network of contacts grew in both breadth and depth.   The Viceroy of Shavomyr learned of my tale and my reputation, brought me into his inner circle, charged me to monitor and protect our lands and peoples from every threat, by whatever means I deem necessary, and named me Archduke of the Vice-Kingdom. Though I am still uncertain of his ultimate designs, I am afforded the freedom to run my enterprising network of contacts as I see fit, without the scrutiny and oversight of Al'Jymoor.   What a change this world has wrought upon me...   What comes next? I cannot say. But I shall face it with the same zeal and vigor with which I have faced every challenge this world has thrown my way. I shall serve the Emperor and ferret out threats to our lands with reckless abandon. I shall foster our agreements with our dwarven allies, and work to undermine the rebellious kynekin who have spat upon the order, stability, and safety we have offered.   In this, I am resolute. In this, I am unchanging.  
    For all my days, I remain,

    Habri Qalekkt
    Hand of Shavomyr

  • Archduke of Shavomyr
  • The Hand of Shavomyr
  • The Quill
  • Captain of The Rotij
  • Friend of the Tobechnyy
  • Children

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    Generic article | Jul 31, 2024

    Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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