Hervakh City, Sanysgal (hər-vŏk)

Under the cover of dimly lit cobblestone streets, the vyrian city of Hervakh never sleeps. Though not a large port, the nearby harbor is deep enough to accommodate the anchoring of fairly large ships, which then leverage the services of unionized dwarven skiffs to move goods and people to the shore. There are some who say that anything that can be bought can be found in Hervakh - if one has but the coin to afford it and the cunning to survive the negotiation.


Founded almost 20 years after the end of the Great War, the fortified sea-side port of Hervakh epitomizes everything for which the vyrian kingdom of Saynsgal has come to be known: clandestine corruption, illicit intrigues, deception, decadence, and depravity. Just across the straights from the capital, the city offers even less scrutiny to one's comings and goings. It boasts a well resourced "entertainment" industry which includes the most beautiful women from Rolighav, the most rare (and completely authentic, honestly!) Imperial artifacts for sale, the most exclusive clientele from Vath'azen, and designer drugs from Kungaroun. Whatever your definition of "enjoyment," it can be found in the darkened alleys and shadowed corners of Hervakh.  

Geography & Climate

In general, Hervakh has a temperate, comfortable climate for most of the year. It backs up to the trees of a deciduous forest. With its high walls and northwesterly-facing port, the humid summer air can seem exceedingly stagnant. This, however, does not seem to dampen the will of gamblers, rogues, and ladies of the night representing every race across the realm from seeking out their deepest desires.  


Hervakh Placeholder Map by Watabou City Generator

Founding Date
17, 2A
Port Town
82 ft (24m)

Armed Forces
City Watch: 203
Owning Organization
Crime Rate

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Generic article | Jul 31, 2024
Hervakh consists of an eastern citadel overlooking the harbor and five separate districts.  


The port district of Hervakh, referred to by locals as The Grey for the consistently drab color of the weathered wooden shingles lining the slanted roofs of the buildings here. A cramped and exceedingly busy working-class district, most of the establishments here are warehouses, inns, taverns, gambling halls, and brothels. There seems to be no end to the numbers of unsavory folks always flitting about. Keep a close hold on your coin purse. Assume everyone you meet has an angle. Even the children who survive here work for someone.

There are few things that frighten me more than a clean and well-fed child in The Grey.
— a dock worker

These folks just smile while they rob you blind, and you thank them for the privilege.
— a down on his luck dwarf


If ever there were such a thing as "upper class" in Hervakh, it would be the Ayzinmas district. Herein, one will find the most upscale establishments the city has to offer, more reputable sellers, cleaner beds, stronger ale, and generally more "civil" society. Most of the major merchant and guild halls can be found comfortably nestled in the heavily patrolled streets of Ayzinmas.


The majority of the city's permanent residents call the Bajintar district their home. With the city watch only being well paid to provide services to the Ayzinmas District, guards finding themselves assigned to Bajintar are often those accused of illicit acts, taking bribes, and abusing their power. To compensate, the people of Hervakh have developed a culture of what they call street law, whereby they largely take the policing of their streets into their own hands. Nearly a dozen different bands of armed thugs engage in a constant war, jockeying for control of district blocks and buildings, street corners and sign posts. Provided the chaos stays contained and away from the high rolling Ayzinmas District, no one seems to care.

In other words, if you see a Watchman in Bajintar you'd better pray you have enough money to buy him off, enough friends to lay him out, or sturdy-enough shoes to outrun him.
— a vyrian cobbler

Sorkam & North Hervakh

Venturing outside the walls of the city, to both the north and south, you can find a new group of steel-willed residents who desire to be close to the city, but separate from the constant fear living in the Bajintar District. Approach these outliers with great caution, speak plainly, and keep your hands away from your weapons. They're just as likely to put an arrow through your heart as they are to trade supplies.

Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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