Nul’Iskor: The Copper Talons

There are those who thought the Empire incapable of change. We are evidence to the contrary. And yet the sad truth is by the time our greatest detractors recognize just how monumentally they've misjudged, it will be far too late for them to tell the tale.
— a former Nul'Iskor Lieutenant


In the 841st year of the First Age, the 4th year of the kynekin rebellion, a small force of mahnkii rebels executed a swift and brutal surprise assault on the northernmost mountainhold of the dwarven House Zunoch. By most accounts this single act, dubbed the Kurzniert Massacre, changed the course of history as it broke the will of the dwarven peoples to further support the Imperial war against the kynekin.   What many do not know is how dramatically this event reshaped the Imperial mindset. Where historically Imperial forces trained for force-on-force direct conflict on the open field of battle, the fall of Kurzniert awoke in beleaguered Commanders a ruthless willingness to break from tradition. From this place of desperation was borne the idea of small, nimble, aerial teams combining the most skilled warriors with a millennium of expertise breeding wyverns.   Their purpose: To vigorously defend the Empire and its allies from every threat through the use of unconventional warfare.   The Nul'Iskor is the first and oldest of these teams.  



These new forces combining elf and wyvern would operate in teams of six called Flights, led by a Lieutenant and supported by two specialists, each of whom were bonded with a well-trained, fiercely loyal combat wyvern. These wyverns are viewed as vital members of the Flight and they are never placed in harm's way unnecessarily.   Groups of three Flights are organized under a Commander into a Wing.  


Each Flight is expected to don a standard uniform as set by their Wing Commander and as appropriate for the situation. Generally, Flights wear light leathers and cloths, with full head and face coverings. This serves the purpose of instilling fear, uncertainty, and doubt while simultaneously protecting the identity of those members of the Flights.


The composition of squad member skills differ significantly from one Flight to the next, but generally the goal is to minimize duplication. Doing so allows the team to meet a wide range of missions head on with significant adaptability.   Some example roles making up flights are:
  • Non-Combat Support Caster (NCSC) **
  • Close Combat Specialist (CCS) **
  • Ranged Combat Specialist (RCS) **
  • Field Healer (FH)
  • Infiltration Specialist (IS)

  • ** Current composition of Nul'Iskor


    Gear and weaponry carried by each Flight will vary greatly depending upon the unique details of the mission and the skills of the specialists to which it is assigned. What is common though, is the Nul'Iskor (and all of the Imperial Wings) are granted nearly any reasonable request for equipment the Empire has to offer (and often times, unreasonable requests as well).
    Though technically against policy, leadership turns a blind eye to the vanity practice of adding Flight-specific adornments such as unit insignias to the uniform. They care about results.
    — a sarcastic specialist

    Nul'Iskor Creed

    We are the shadows of the night sky.
    We are teeth and talon, shield and sword.
    We are the hand of Al'jymoor.
    We are the Flight of Nul'Iskor.
    We return triumphant, or welcome death,
    Our oldest friend, our foes bereft.

    841 1A - Present
    Empire of Al'Jymoor
    Special Operations Force
    Overall Training Level
    Unit Designation
    Parent Unit Designation
    Leader Rank
  • 3 Specialists
  • 3 Wyverns

  • Garrison/HQ
      Sister Flights
  • Karon'uj: Crimson Stars
  • Le'loppe: Night Mares
  • More Summer Camp!

    Summer Camp '24 Hub
    Generic article | Jul 31, 2024

    Cover image: by dream by WOMBO
    Character flag image: by armoria +


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Aug 4, 2024 00:09 by Marjorie Ariel

    Beautiful article. I love the inclusion of the creed, and they just sound terrifying in their unfiroms!

    Aug 4, 2024 02:02

    Thanks so much.

    Now playing: Summer Camp '24 Reading Challenge   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!