The Hadymaar Brotherhood

But most unnerving to the mahnkii noble were the strange Hadymaar; the white-robed order of elves who placed the protection of knowledge - elven knowledge - above all else; allegedly even over the elven empire itself. They seemed to lurk around every corner, shrouded in shadow, still and silent, always watching. If the court rumors were to be believed, the fanaticism of the Hadymaar to not betray the coveted secrets of elven magic to the kynekin required they remove their own tongue.
— Tales of the Inner Council, Episode 2


The First Age: A Common Cause

In year 834, 1A, the once great Imperial city of Stoverj fell to the kynekin rebels. Thus began the Great War and revealed to the world the animal peoples' vile hearts brimming with jealousy, treachery, and deceit. As the war raged over the next eight years, a contingent of loyal Imperials came together under a common banner: to protect a millennium of Imperial knowledge from being lost to annals of time and the ravages of war.   Having secured the blessing of the Empire and the leary approval of kynekin leader Amari Wa'la, these courageous souls renounced all claims and connection to the Empire in exchange for permission to work to recover, reclaim, and restore the great Library of Stoverj, where a great wealth of knowledge is stored. In the early days these elves, who cloaked themselves in white to reflect their purity of purpose, were persecuted by the unending prejudice and bigotry of the kynekin.  

The Second Age: The Unspoken Vow

When the war ended with Grand Marshall Batu Ch'luun taking the mantle to lead the newly formed kingdom of Vath'azen, over much objection from his closest confidants, he chose to allow the work of this group to continue. In the nearly sixty years since that time, the group has grown and become increasingly withdrawn from Vath'azen society. Pressures from the newly risen "noble" class led Batu's young heir, King Ga'jam Ch'luun, to decree no member of the Brotherhood could ever hold a position in his court. The group's white cloaks have faded to grey and the have collectively committed themselves to utter silence, taking the name Hadymaar. They can still be found to this day lurking in almost every alcove, corner, crevice, and shadow of the Great Library of Stoverj, but go largely ignored by the general populous.  
The nature of this silence has been the source of much rumor, gossip, and debate. While there are some who claim it is no more than a vow of silence, there are others who believe it is the effects of some kind of spell, meant to enforce obedience. Yet others, primarily in the upper echelons of Vath society, maintain the group has become fanatical over the decades, now requiring its members to take their own tongues to prove their commitment.

Standard of the Hadymaar by Armoria +

Social, Brotherhood
~834, 1A
To protect knowledge.
Elves (Bahtzaad): 100%
The Silent Librarians

A Challenge Entry for:
Generic article | Sep 17, 2024

From the Archives of the Historian's Guild


The exact size and structure of the Hadymaar is unknown. Members of the Historians guild have attempted to study and document their members, but have found it an incredibly frustrating endeavor. The Hadymaar bare few distinguishing marks that might denote rank or seniority.


Even less is known about the lifestyle and culture of the Hadymaar. It is unclear if they speak to one another behind closed doors, or whether they have developed some form of gesture-based language with which to communicate.


Skeptics question how the Hadymaar can subsist without the backing of a powerful and wealthy patron (namely the New Empire), and yet to date there has been no clear evidence linking the two groups. Still, the level of access to Imperial knowledge afforded the Hadymaar, alongside the ability to monitor, derail, or perhaps even steal Vath magical and technological advancements is an unparalleled opportunity for the Emperor that cannot be ignored.


Members of the Brotherhood are rarely found beyond the walls of the kynekin capital city of Stoverj. This has led the more practically minded to speculate they may switch into travelling clothes when leaving the city. Others hypothesize they cloak themselves in ancient magics that trick the eyes and the mind into ignoring their passing.


To date, every documented member of the Brotherhood has been a descendant of the moon-skinned bahtzaad elves. Whether this is a criteria for membership in their secretive society or simply a choice only made by those peoples is unclear.  

I've spent years delving into the Library's records, trying to uncover more about the Hadymaar Brotherhood. Perhaps one of the most frustrating things is the feeling that every answer I found left me with more questions than I began. Eventually, I just gave up entirely.
— Uk'maad Bu'gys, Chief Historian

Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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