The Thee'nor Accord Document in Gokrenxia | World Anvil

The Thee'nor Accord

We, the leaders and representatives of the armed forces of the elven empire, the twelve great dwarven houses of the Stormbreak mountains, of men, and of the animal races known collectively as the kynekin, do come together this day to declare in one voice the cessation of hostilities between the kynekin and myndikin peoples which have wrought such pain and suffering upon the land these eight years hence. The agreed upon conditions of this accord shall be, without further explanation or nuance:  

I. Cessation of Hostilities

  1. The kynekin forces of Amari Wa'la shall halt further aggression against the myndikin peoples of the realm.
  2. These same forces shall withdraw from the vast plains known as the Agulazvlat.
  3. The elven empire agrees to recognize the sovereignty of the lands and kingdoms mentioned in this accord, and to make no attempts to reclaim these lands by force.

II. Sovereign Imperial Lands

  1. The lands of Al'Jymoor, Lysandre, and TBD shall be recognized as wholly belonging to the elven peoples of the empire, to be governed in a manner of their choosing.

III. Establishment of a Kynekin State

  1. Lands west of Agulazvlat taken and held by the kynekin forces during this Great War shall henceforth be recognized as the sovereign Kingdom of Vath'azen
  2. Vath'azen shall be wholly governed and defended by the kynekin peoples, in a manner and method of their choosing.
  3. Vath'azen shall, in good faith, endeavor to live peacefully and amicably with the myndikin peoples.
  4. Vath'azen shall permit myndikin peoples to participate in all matters of the court, in a manner equivalent to that available to non-myndikin peoples.

IV. Establishment of Neutral Territories

  1. The Imperial lands known as Agulazvlat as well as the Northernmost mountainhold of Kurzniert in the Stormbreak Mountains shall shall henceforth be known as the Zuul’Hy Freelands.
  2. These Freelands shall serve as an area of neutrality, creating a buffer zone between the remnants of the empire and the newly established kingdom of Vath'azen.
  3. No kingdom shall lay claim, and no single kingdom's forces attempt to occupy or invade these Freelands.
  4. These Freelands shall be protected and impartially managed by the kynekin horse tribes known as the Ja'nakh.
  5. The Ja'nakh people of the kynekin agree to hold no station in either myndikin or kynekin courts, to dissuade them from being influenced to wield these Freelands for the benefit of some political agenda or another.

V. Establishment of a Dwarven State

  1. The Stormbreak Mountains, from South of the newly established Kurzniert Freehold, and encompassing all lands East of said mountains to the Khazwa Sea is hereby decreed as under the authority of the twelve great houses of the dwarves, to be governed in a manner of their choosing.
  2. The name of this new kingdom shall be Kungaroun.

VI. The Kingdoms of Men

  1. All remaining lands South and East of the Upanje Sea previously unnamed in this accord and previously under imperial control are hereby ceded to peoples of man to be governed in a manner of their choosing.
  These provisions are hereby ratified and agreed upon by the undersigned with hopes to move past this Great War and into a time of peace and prosperity that can be enjoyed by our children, and their children. Oh that they may never know the pain and suffering of war.
The Theenor Accord marked the end of the Great War and set forth the conditions under which all parties agreed to ahere.

Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date
842 1A
Ratification Date
842 1A
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)

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Cover image: Signing of the Theenor Accord by dream by WOMBO


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