The Voice of Stone

Quiet your mind and still your heart, my child, and you shall hear my voice. I am the heart of the mountain, my fingers towering over the land, ever-stretching skyward. Mine is the breath that caresses your cheeks as it drifts along the long and winding roads of stone. Mine is the voice that echoes your songs. The veins of precious materials that stretch throughout these hallowed walls are my lifeblood. I am nameless. I am timeless. I am eternal. And I cradle you in my bosom.   I have given all of myself unto you. Now it is your turn. Heed my call. Carry my words and deeds to the ends of the realm and you shall know a boundless prosperity and power unmatched by those who surround you.
— the Voice of Stone

Key Points

  • A Celestial who claims sole authority over the Stormbreak Mountains.
  • An secretive agent of chaos
  • Jealous, guarded, and hostile to those who refuse her



    The First Age

    From the first arrival of the dwarven peoples in the Stormbreak Mountains a millennium ago, the Voice of Stone watched and waited. She patiently listened and learned the social interplay of the Twelve Great Houses, their most intimate secrets, and darkest desires. It was during this initial period she learned of the Imperial Order of Salijarna. She was certain this elven blight would decry her an anathema and hunt her down were she to become known. Thus it was not until she was armed with an unfathomable treasure trove of knowledge did she begin to cautiously seduce the most influential dwarves through their dreams. Ever so carefully she crafted a plethora of stories tapping into the deepest aspects of each person's core; all with the goal of turning their minds and devotion unswervingly to her.  

    The Second Age

    It was not until the signing of the Thee'nor Accord that the Order of Salijarna realized the breadth and depth of the dark secret their "allies" had kept from them. Staunch followers of the Voice of Stone, powerfully represented at the negotiations, sided with the kynekin rebels in pressing to rip the Imperial lands from elven hands and redistribute them. They reveled in the sheer elation their Mountain Mother conveyed in this victory.   No longer fearful of the hamstrung Order, the Voice of Stone is free to send her followers to every corner of the realm, leaving her chaos in their wake.  


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    Few things will bring the Voice of Stone more quickly to anger than being challenged. She detests being questioned, whether about her past, her goals, or practically anything. Her vengeful persona quickly turns, leading to one devotant being cast aside, and another tasked to meet out her justice. She dislikes her followers gathering in large numbers, preferring to keep them separated. She claims this allows her to keep them safe, though in truth it allows her to spin her web of lies more easily.


    The Voice of Stone enjoys puzzles and riddles, watching her devotants struggle to appease her by making cryptic demands without enough information to fully understand how the meaning. Some have said she seems to love the color green. The fact that much of the lighting in the Stormbreak are fueled by glowing green stones, may point to just how deeply entrenched the dwarven identity is with this celestial; even if they are unaware.

    Alternate Names
    The Mother of Mountains, The Stone Song
    Associated Species
  • Dwarves
  • Mahnkii
  • Children


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    Generic article | Jul 31, 2024

    Cover image: The Voice of Stone by dream by WOMBO


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