Zalygtarer City

Travel deep enough into the Vice-kingdom of Lysandre's western Elderwood and you will come across a lonely fort silently standing sentinel over a small but thriving community. It is a place whose original name and history have long since passed from living memory, save for the trees. Ancient trees wider than wagon wheels stretch skyward like giants, limbs interspersed like joined hands to create a dense canopy of cooling shade from the sun's summer rays. The city of Zalygtarer rises from the ashes of the past, at the hands of a people seeking refuge from the troubles of war and what they perceive to be the false promises of the new empire.



The First Age

Like many of the refugees who fled East from the Kynekin Rebellion, Nasyym Fy'zan struggled to provide for his family in the overcrowded and under-resourced Imperial cities. By the winter of 838 1A, with the war roughly reaching its midpoint, he had become disillusioned with the kind of life Imperial leadership was willing to accept for their people. He surmised at best they were unable to provide for the people, at worst they were willfully negligent to their suffering and turning a blind eye. Packing up his family and their meager belongings, Fy'zan and a group of several hundred like-minded folk set out to find a place offering increased safety and stability; a refuge from the storm of chaos wrought by the war.   Roughly 300 miles northwest of the Lysandre's capital city of Khalismyr, the caravan would come upon an abandoned Imperial outpost and the remains of a small village fallen into disrepair. Laying claim to the abandoned site, the refugees would struggle through that first winter as they fought not against soldiers or the threat of war, but against the elements, against disease, starvation, and the dangerous predators lurking in the shadows of the Elderwood.   In a testament to their suffering, they would come to call this place Zalygtarer, the Canopy of Empty Tears.  

Modern Zalygtarer: The Second Age

The remainder of the war went largely unnoticed by the settlers of Zalygtarer, much as the revitalized settlement went unnoticed by the rest of the realm. Over the last sixty years, the Zalygtarer Elves have come together, building a thriving and defensible community. They established a lucrative, sustainable trade around the shepherding of one of the Elderwood's denizens known as the suldordan, more coloquially known as "wool worms." As word of the community has spread, more have come to call the settlment their home.  
Be forewarned traveller. Our doors are open to you for this night, but on the morrow be on your way. We are not fond of outsiders.
— a stern city watchman

Reconnecting with the Realm

It was only a matter of time before the fledgling trade city came to the attention of greater powers. The past five winters have seen the dramatic arrival of two such forces. First were House Gaaren dwarves, who arrived and quite violently established harsh tarrifs around the export and distribution of Zalygtarer wool. This was only to be surpassed by emmisaries of the Viceroy of Lysandre, who imposed taxes against the city for continued use of the land, fort, and resources ostensibly to "support the needs of the impoverished citizens of the Empire." This has only served to sour the opinion of the second generation residents toward those currently in power.  


  The city of Zalygtarer is made up of the rebuilt fort overlooking the suldordan farming fields, and four separate districts.  


The "forgotten" district of the city was the site of the original, abandoned settlement nestled up against the Fort. Dwellings were largely repaired without significant modification and maintain older architectural characteristics.


The heart of modern Zalygtarer is the district named Vi'na'nog, or the well of stillness. Herein lies a strange and mysterious well around which no magic will work. The majority of trade and civil business is conducted here.


The sprawling ring of newer buildings running clockwise from west to northeast encircling city center. Dybrana, or wolf's reach, exists to accomodate the city's elven expansion over the last sixty winters. Until recently, Dybrana has been exclusively reserved for elven residents as prejudice runs deep in the city's values.


The smallest of Zalygtarer's districts, Askhir or ash root is where non-elven residents reside. City watch heavily patrol the area, many looking for the slightest opportunity to abuse the power afforded them.

Founding Date
  • 838 1A

  • Founder
  • Nasyym Fy'zan

  • Type
  • City

  • Population
    Armed Forces
  • Militia: ~500

  • Owning Organization
  • Lysandre

  • Crime Rate
  • Low

  • Demonym
  • Zalyg

  • Related Ethnicities

    Leadership Council

    Following Imperial traditions, Zalygtarer is led by a council of three city leaders known as "reeves." They hold different honorifics to represent their roles in the heirarchy. That is:  
  • Daag-reeve: The current primary authority and final word for governance of the city.
  • Daan-reeve: The previous leader of the city, serving as wise counsel and advisor.
  • Gaar-reeve: The successor to the current leader. Expected to bring new ideas and a fresh perspective to the council while simultaneously learning under the mentorship of the other two reeves in preparation for their time as the daag-reeve.


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    Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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