Campaign Traits

Ruins of Azlant Campaign Traits   When the Bountiful Venture Company announced this expedition to lost Azlant, many people were excited and came to Almas from all around Avistan and Garund in hopes of being selected for the colony. Competition was fierce, especially for the founding journey. Many who were in the running for that first trip but weren’t selected were automatically slated for the second outing. Others had to compete with plentiful applicants to get a spot on the Peregrine. For one reason or another, you either didn’t apply weren’t selected for the first trip and now you have to stand out among a large crowd of qualified applicants. The following campaign traits represent an element of your character or ability that edged out other applicants and led to the Bountiful Venture Company choosing you as one of their colonists.   Athletic: You have always had a knack for physical activity. You either grew up in a rural area and had an active childhood where you were always climbing trees, swimming in lakes and rivers, and clambering up rocky hillsides, or you competed in and excelled at contests or sports while growing up in a larger settlement. Due to this background, little can slow you down or inhibit your movements. When the Bountiful Venture Company interviewed you, they noticed your stature and physicality, and they chose you for the colonial expedition knowing that a strong back is always helpful in a growing colony. You gain proficiency in either Acrobatics or Athletics rolls   Azlanti Scholar: You are familiar with an aspect of Azlanti lore. Maybe you first became enamored with this ancient culture after stumbling across a copy of the first volume of the Pathfinder Chronicles or after learning about Azlant in a university or another type of formal education. Perhaps your parents or guardians were scholars and you’ve grown up hearing about and reading about the ancient Azlanti. For years you dreamed about visiting the continent’s ruins and returning with a discovery that could propel your career. Due to this scholarly bent, the Bountiful Venture Company selected you to join the colony at Talmandor’s Bounty. You are proficient in History, and gain Azlanti as a bonus language.   Eagle Knight Recruit: Since Talmandor’s Bounty is an Andoren colony and is unlikely to see the threat of slavery, the presence of the Eagle Knights isn’t strongly needed, and the Bountiful Venture Company would prefer to not have that organization immediately associated with the colony (despite the colony’s name having been derived from the Eagle Knights’ patron, Talmandor). However, the need for safety can’t be overlooked. You were a soldier in the Andoren army or you were a civilian who showed great promise in military matters. The Eagle Knights recruited you and offered unofficial Eagle Knight status if you managed to make it into the ranks of the colonists. There, you would see to the safety of the colony and send back reports with each supply ship regarding the general state of the colony and any threats you notice. The Bountiful Venture Company admired your military prowess and selected you for the second wave of colonists to arrive at Talmandor’s Bounty. You begin play with a breastplate, a longsword (or some other martial or simple weapon), and an additional 50 gp of gear. In addition, you gain proficiency in the Investigation skill.   Employee: You have worked for the Bountiful Venture Company or you are the child of one of its current employees. This connection helped you get a leg up on the competition to get involved in the establishment of Talmandor’s Bounty. The company didn’t want nepotism to show through too strongly, so you weren’t included in the first wave of colonists and instead have been selected to accompany the second wave of colonists to the island. You don’t want people to know that you’re part of the company, but your contacts in the Bountiful Venture Company didn’t necessarily tell you that you needed to keep it a secret. You begin play with an additional 150 gp of equipment and know (at least in some capacity) one of the other company employees: Lyra Heatherly, Perrell Beys, or Ramona Avandth. Due to your association with the Bountiful Venture Company, your words and ideas may carry additional weight with the other employees of the company. (Your GM can grant advantage on certain rolls to account for this) In addition, you gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill.   Expert Explorer: Adventurous scholars raised you, or perhaps you were born during an expedition and haven’t known any other life. You get fidgety and impatient when you become too familiar with a certain place. You are used to having excitement and the quest for knowledge guides your path in life, and you picked up a number of skills along the way that relate to this lifestyle. During your interview with the Bountiful Venture Company, they were impressed with the diverse locations you’ve visited in your life and selected you because of your skills in maneuvering uncharted territory. You gain proficiency in Survival, and in addition, you gain proficiency in the scimitar (representing a heavy machete).   Healthy: You come from a long line of hale and long-lived people. Growing up, you rarely got sick and had enough energy to run all day if it suited you. You don’t get as tired as other people and repeated physical activities don’t seem to bother you much. You were selected as part of the expedition because the Bountiful Venture Company saw great importance and promise in your robust health. You gain proficiency in the Athletics skill, and can hold your breath for a minute longer than you normally would.   Pathfinder Recruit: Explore, report, and cooperate. This is the credo you’ve lived by since you’ve joined the Pathfinder Society, and after hearing about the expedition to found Talmandor’s Bounty you applied, eager to see the remains of Azlant. However, you quickly learned that the Bountiful Venture Company wasn’t interested in involving the Pathfinder Society in the formation of the colony. This struck you as strange, because who else has as keen an understanding of some of the elements of ancient Azlant as the Pathfinder Society? Regardless, you went through the application process, making sure to highlight all of your applicable skills and experience while keeping your involvement in the Society to yourself. You were elated to receive notice that you were selected for the second wave of colonists bound for the broken continent of Azlant. You begin play with a standard wayfinder (if someone begins with this, they will be provided a card) and proficiency in Cartographer's tools as well as Navigator's tools.   Seasoned Hunter: You grew up hunting every season, any season. Maybe you grew up in a rural area and hunted to put food on the table, or perhaps you come from a comfortable lifestyle where hunting for sport is an excellent excuse to camp in the wilderness and hone your skills. After sharing stories of your most exciting hunts and proving to them that you can hit a bull’s eye at 100 feet, the Bountiful Venture Company selected you for the expedition assured that you can provide food and security to the young colony. You gain proficiency in the Perception skill, and gain proficiency in the longbow.   Set Mind: Every time that you’ve said you’d do something, you’ve made sure to follow through. You can’t remember a time when you weren’t this way. People have a hard time making you change your mind once you’ve set yourself on a certain path. You might be exceptionally stubborn or you may just have a particular determination. Either way, you’re going to keep doing what you set your mind to. The Bountiful Venture Company recognized this useful trait of yours and selected you for the second wave of colonists because of your great resolve and unswerving dedication to what you set your mind upon. Once per day when you fail a saving throw against a charm or compulsion effect that would cause you to act differently than you normally would, you can immediately reroll that saving throw. You must take the second result, even if it’s worse.   Skillful: You’ve always been interested in a wide array of things, and growing up you’ve spent time honing some of these talents, which has helped you in life. Some have attributed your successes to luck, but others have recognized what you truly have— skill. This interest in and practice of a diverse array of skills and abilities has served you well in a number of different jobs, and following in your varied interests you learned of the expedition to the ruins of Azlant. After your application, the Bountiful Venture Company selected you for the expedition because your skillful approach to matters would be helpful for a growing colony. Once per day when you fail an Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth or Survival check, you can immediately reroll that check. You must take the second result, even if it’s worse.


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