Lin Xua
"The truth can be many things, but know this. It is true that you are good. Take heart."
Lin Xua specifically sought out the party to meet and protect Sesha. A native of Minkai, he crossed over the Crown of the World to get to Cedric’s Fall where he explained he had similar gifts to the resident Nagaji. Bearing horrible burn marks across his body and a mutated black and white eye, Lin Xua was able to perceive truth through purifying flames he could produce from his body. After helping the party navigate the Realm of the Mammoth Lords and providing insight to help heal the wounds left by Kormiggon and his followers’ deceptions, he parted ways. He explained that there were other people similarly gifted with visions like him, Sesha, and Kormiggon, and in the hopes of averting a great catastrophe he is on a journey to find them and if need be, destroy them.
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