Oztheius Ammos

Oztheius Ammos (a.k.a. Ozzy; Oz)

Son of Ventrix Ammos and Andrianos Ammos. With his father being an architect, he grew up with a fascination of everything related to the field. His father would return home from his job and since he knew he loved it, he would tell Oztheius all he did that day. Oztheius quickly picked up on all his dad spoke about, surprising his father. Although he loved to learn about it, Oztheius never had an interest becoming an architect.   Oztheius was also heavily shaped by his mother: a diviner and fortune teller. She claimed she communed with spirits and to this day, Oztheius still doesn't know if she was telling the truth. Oztheius would play along with her tricks and fortunes but he never really grew an interest in anything occult. Although much knowledge would be stored subconsciously.   With a bit of a shove from his mother, Oztheius decided to apply to the Arcane University in Absalom with no prior magical experience. Oztheius had a pretty decent shot at making just with his families money alone but he did get in just with his smarts. He quickly fell behind in his classes. He just couldn't wrap his mind around the teachings. His mother could see his frustrations with the program and decided to take him to see one of her friends. [name here] had a little chat with Oztheius and his mother. From this quick conversation he gathered all the information he needed about Oz. A little later, he asked Ventrix to leave the room. He had already figured out how Oz's brain functioned and thought. They then began the lesson.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

Thin horns. Skin not horn.

Apparel & Accessories

Weird duopentagonal neckpiece. Stiff robes.
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
27th of Sarenith, 4687 AR
Platinum Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Crimson but a shade lighter. It's like candy apple red.


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