Koshan Demon Species in Golarion | World Anvil

Koshan Demon

The Koshan Demon, a creature of the abyss, embodies its realm's relentless and ferocious nature. With their unique anatomy and sensory capabilities, they are formidable opponents. Their role as foot soldiers in the demonic hierarchies speaks to their strength and adaptability, making them a constant presence in the tumultuous landscape of the abyss.

Basic Information


Koshan Demons stand at an imposing average height of 8 feet and weigh around 650 pounds. Their most striking features are the four muscular arms, each capable of independent and coordinated motion, and the multitude of eyes scattered across their sinewy, ash-gray bodies. These eyes, varying in size, provide a near-panoramic visual field, making it nearly impossible to surprise a Koshan. Their skin, tough and leathery, offers natural protection.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Primarily carnivorous, Koshan Demons feed on the flesh of both the living and the dead. Their robust digestive systems can process a wide range of organic materials, allowing them to survive in the harsh conditions of the abyss. They are known to consume their prey whole, utilizing their powerful jaws and sharp teeth.


Koshan Demons exhibit a pack mentality, operating effectively in groups. They are inherently aggressive, showing loyalty only to those who demonstrate greater power. Their intelligence, while not highly advanced, is sufficient for understanding complex commands and tactics in battle. When not engaged in combat, they exhibit a restless energy, constantly on the move and seeking new stimuli.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure of the Koshan Demon is an embodiment of the survival-of-the-fittest principle. Dominated by physical prowess and combat ability, their society is perpetually in flux, with power dynamics constantly shifting as individuals rise and fall in their relentless pursuit of dominance.  

Hierarchical Dominance

At the top of their social hierarchy are the strongest and most cunning Koshan Demons. These individuals attain their positions through displays of brute force or strategic combat victories. Leadership among the Koshan is not permanent; it is constantly challenged and can change following combat trials.  

Group Dynamics

Koshan Demons typically operate in units that resemble militaristic squads. Each demon has a specific role within these groups, often determined by their physical strengths or combat skills. The strongest serve as frontline warriors, while the more tactically minded take on roles akin to strategists or scouts.  

Loyalty and Allegiance

Their loyalty lies predominantly with their immediate group and its dominant leader. However, Koshan Demons can swiftly shift their allegiance to a more powerful demon or overlord should their current leader show signs of weakness or be defeated. This fluid loyalty underscores their primal drive for survival and power.  

Communication and Interaction

Communication within their ranks is a mix of guttural sounds and complex gestures made with their multiple arms. While capable of understanding more sophisticated languages, their own form of communication is rudimentary, focusing on immediate needs and combat strategies.  

Rituals and Customs

Koshan Demons engage in ritualistic combat and displays of strength to establish and maintain their social order. These rituals are both a form of entertainment and a crucial aspect of their societal interactions, reinforcing the hierarchy and resolving disputes.

Integration with Other Demonic Entities

In the broader context of the abyssal hierarchy, Koshan Demons are often seen as mere foot soldiers or enforcers. Their interactions with other demonic species are typically limited to combat scenarios or serving under more powerful demons in their conquests and battles.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Koshan Demons possess an acute sense of sight, with their numerous eyes adapting to various light conditions. This adaptation allows them to track multiple targets or objects simultaneously. Their hearing is equally sharp, attuned to pick up even the faintest whispers of the abyssal winds. However, they have a limited sense of smell, relying more on visual and auditory cues.

Civilization and Culture


Originating from the deepest layers of the abyss, Koshan Demons were first encountered by other demonic entities as formidable adversaries. Over time, they were subjugated by more powerful demons, integrating into the abyssal hierarchy as foot soldiers. Their history is marked by countless battles, serving various demonic overlords in their endless quests for power and dominance.
Scientific Name
Average Height
8-10 feet
Average Weight
600 - 800 lbs.

Cover image: by DALL-E